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2014/05/18 22:12:00瀏覽266|回應0|推薦3



開放政府資料的流通好處多多,GlobalPost 的 Simran Khosla 運用 CIA Factbook 的資料,製作這張全球各國最高價值專家地圖,顯示各國賺最多的專業行業。


World Commodities Map: North America

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World Commodities Map: Europe

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World Commodities Map: Asia

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World Commodities Map: Africa

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World Commodities Map: South America

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World Commodities Map: Middle East & Central Asia

Explore more visuals like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
World Commodities Map: Central America & The Carribean

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Via Business Insider

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