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Essayservice.com: A Poor Choice for Students in Need of Quality Writing
心情隨筆心靈 2023/04/28 15:20:33

Essayservice is a popular writing service that offers various types of academic writing help to students worldwide. While the company claims to provide high-quality essays and academic papers, many students have reported experiencing problems with the service. In this article , we will explore the pros and cons of Essayservice, why it is not a good choice for students, and what alternatives are available.


  1. Poor Quality Papers

One of the most significant problems with Essayservice is the poor quality of papers produced by their writers. Many students have reported receiving papers with numerous grammar and spelling errors, as well as papers that do not meet their specific requirements. for students who rely on writing services to help them achieve good grades.

  1. Plagiarism Issues

Another major issue with Essayservice is the risk of plagiarism. Several students have accused the service of producing papers that contain plagiarism, which can have severe consequences if detected by their professors. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can lead to penalties ranging from a failing grade to suspension or even expulsion from the institution.

  1. Unreliable Customer Support

The customer support provided by Essayservice is often unreliable, with long wait times and unhelpful responses. This can be frustrating for students who need urgent assistance with their assignments. Also, the service does not offer a phone number or live chat support, which can make communication difficult.

  1. Expensive Pricing

Essayservice is relatively expensive compared to other writing services in the market, making it difficult for students with limited budgets to afford. The pricing varies depending on the deadline, academic level, and type of assignment, but the average cost per page is higher than other writing services that provide better quality papers.


essay service


  1. User-Friendly Website

Essayservice has a user-friendly website that is easy to navigate, with clear instructions on how to place an order and communicate with the writer. The website is well-designed and provides students with all the necessary information they need to make an informed decision.

  1. Wide Range of Services

The service offers a wide range of writing services, including essays, research papers, dissertations, and more. This means that students can find help for almost any type of academic assignment they need.


Essayservice is a bad essay writing tool that produces poor quality papers and has numerous limitations. While the service does offer a user-friendly website, a wide range of services, and free revisions, these advantages are outweighed by the high risk of plagiarism, unreliable customer support, and expensive pricing. As a result, we do not recommend Essayservice to students who are looking for a reliable and high-quality essay writing service.


There are several alternatives to Essayservice that provide better quality papers, reliable customer support, and affordable pricing. Here are some of the most popular writing services that students can consider:

  1. PerfectEssayWriterAi- A reliable writing service that offers high-quality papers at affordable prices.

In addition to poor quality papers, Essayservice has also been accused of producing papers that contain plagiarism. This can be a major issue for students who can face severe consequences if they are caught submitting plagiarized work. It is essential for academic papers to be original and plagiarism-free to ensure that students receive a fair evaluation of their work.

Another issue with Essayservice is its unreliable customer support. Many customers have reported experiencing long wait times and unhelpful responses from the customer support team. This can be particularly frustrating for students who need urgent assistance with their papers or have questions about the service.

Finally, Essayservice is relatively expensive compared to other writing services in the market, making it difficult for students with limited budgets to afford. While the service does offer a money-back guarantee and free revisions, this does not justify the high cost of the service, especially given the poor quality of papers produced by the service.

In conclusion, Essayservice is not a recommended choice for students who want to achieve good grades and avoid plagiarism. The service has several limitations and problems that can affect the quality of papers and the overall academic performance of despite its claim to provide hi gh-quality papers , Essayservice has been reported to produce poor quality papers with grammar and spelling errors.

Some customers have also reported receiving papers that do not meet their specific requirements. This can be frustrating for students who have invested time and money in the service, only to receive a subpar paper that does not meet their expectations.

Essayservice.com: A Poor Choice for Students in Need of Quality Writing
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