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2007/08/03 01:49:53瀏覽387|回應0|推薦6

You and I didn't see the evening fly
There was magic in the air
With times enough to spare
Now it's hours I have to say goodbye
Well you know I have to go
But still it hurts me so

I don't want this night to end
Don't say goodbye
Just hold me close, my darling
I don't want this night to end
Pretend awhile and let's forget tomorrow

Feeling blue I can see it in your eyes
But I've got a job to do
Got to see things through
But I will be near even when I am out of sight
Counting seconds till the day I'm coming home to stay

Oh my darling, love me tonight
And chase the morning shadow with your heavenly light
I find my strenth inside your arms
So love me tonight and keep my heart beside you
When you go, oh.......

《Satomi Hakken-Den 新里見八犬傳主題曲》

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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