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~學習HOP Grade 2, Blue level Workbook three letter beginnings spl, squ, kn, wr, and special sounds for C & G


練習發音的單字: spl
splash, splat, splint, split

練習發音的單字: squ
squeak, square, squint, squirt, squawk, squish, squirm, squeal, squid, squeeze

練習發音的單字: kn 像N的發音,K是無聲的
knee, know, knock, kneel, knit, knelt, knob, knot, knight, knack, known, knife

練習發音的單字: wr
wrap, wreck, wring, wrist, write, wrong, wrote, wrench, written, wreath

練習發音的單字: c 像S的聲音
cent, mice, peace, face, cinch, ice, dance, slice, fence, price, since, rice, spice, race, nice, space, twice, place

練習發音的單字: g 像J的發音
gem, age, gel, stage, rage, wage, page, sage, cage

短文分享: The Dancing Mice
The dancing mice look oh so nice!
They dance on stage, not in a cage.
They sing a song. No notes are wrong.
They kneel on knees.
They never sneeze!
There are mice in lace and mice in place.
They smile and grin.
They twirl and spin.
I find it odd that mice act this way.
Just think what they'd do if a cat came to play!

Sounding Out Words:
jig saw = jigsaw
pen cil= pencil
mush room = mushroom
light ning = lightning
see saw = seesaw
car toon = cartoon
rac coon = raccoon
prin cess = princess
bam boo = bamboo
pow der = powder

短文分享: Books
A book is like a sailing ship.
Each story takes you on a trip.
You get to see an igloo, or a baboon, a whale, and lots lots more.

It's magic! All you need to do is pick a book that's right for you.
Some are funny, and some are sad.
Some make you cry.
Some make you glad.

A hundred places you can see!
A hundred things you get to be!
A princess or a big brave knight!
A goldfish or a beam of light!

There are lots of things to know,
like why a lightning bolt can glow,
or how a big bird makes a nest,
or which ball player is the best.

There is no game more fun to play than reading on a rainy day.
Just take your pick, then take a look!
There is no magic like a book!

閱讀: HOP Book 30, The Party

~去國家戲劇院看第一齣現代歌劇:A Bouquet of Flowers(一束花)by Martinu
~去Valdstejnska花園看兒童劇場:國王的新衣 & 穿靴子的貓





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