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2010/09/07 18:05:17瀏覽898|回應0|推薦5


~弟子規 & 自己閱讀繪本


~學習Hooked on Phonics Grade one, Orange Workbook two letter sounds fr, br, cr, pr, dr, qu, tr


Fran, frill, frog, frock, Fred

bran, brass, brad, Brad, brim, brick, Brett

crab, cram, crack, crib, crop, cross

prim, prick, prom, prod, press

短文分享:The Hot Dogs
Brad flips 1 hot dog on the grill.
It flops onto the grass.
Spot grabs the hot dog. Yum!

Brad flips 2 hot dogs on the grill.
They flop onto the grass. Yum! Yum!

Brad flips 3 hot dogs on the grill.
They flop onto the grass. Yum! Yum! Yum!

Greg comes to the grill.
"Where are the hot dogs?"
"Ask Spot!" says Brad with a grin.

drag, drab, drill, drip, drop, drum, drug, dress

quck, quiz, quit, quill, quick

trap, tram, track, trip, trim, trick, trot, truck, trek

短文分享:Miss Prim's Hat
Miss Prim has a hat and a bag. The hat is too big!
Miss Prim trips. The hat drops, and the bag tips.
The Miss Prim trips on the hat!
Red jam drips on the hat.
The eggs drop, too! CRACK!
What a mess! Quick, Miss Prim! Fix it!
Miss Prim trims the hat.
Now do you like Miss Prim's hat?

Helper Words: so, her, have, first, from, come, ask, say, their, down, they, thank, go

短文分享:Pam's Picnic
Pam is on a picnic.
So are the bugs!
They have her hot dogs.
They have the buns, too!
They have her jam.
They have her ham, too!
They have her chips.
They have the nuts, too!

新學課程:閱讀Grade 1, Orange level HOP Book #18 "Skip & Spin Swim with Dolphins"

~國語兒歌 & 柴可夫斯基鋼琴協奏曲





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