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2024/12/30 17:51:30瀏覽266|回應0|推薦7 | |
..... Yes, China Just Flew Another Tailless Next-Generation Stealth Combat AircraftIn less than 24 hours, two previously unseen Chinese advanced combat jet designs have broken cover and both are already undergoing flight testing.
It appears China recently tested not one, but TWO 6th generation fighter jet prototypes. China’s another next-generation (6th-gen) fighter jet (Shenyang project) also made its maiden flight. The Chengdu design is a tri-engine, while the Shenyang design is a twin-engine. Chengdu is much larger; Shenyang is slightly smaller. Chengdu features delta wings; Shenyang has swept wings. Both share a tailless configuration, lacking vertical and horizontal stabilizers..
Other advantages of a tailless design include reduced aerodynamic drag, which provides improved performance for sustained high-speed dashes and cruising flight. Additional beneficial factors will almost certainly include a large internal volume for the carriage of fuel and weapons — critical for extended combat radius and persistence on-station, two key concerns in the Asia Pacific theater. At the same time, a tailless configuration can adversely affect overall stability and maneuverability, requiring advanced fly-by-wire digital flight control technology to simply keep it in the air. One feature that could help mitigate stability and maneuverability deficiencies would involve thrust-vectoring engines, something China has tested in the past.
. It appears that another new Chinese combat aircraft has already entered flight testing, and it is also an advanced, stealthy, tailless design. The imagery of the previously unseen aircraft began to circulate on social media today, only a matter of hours after the first appearance of a remarkable diamond-shaped, tailless, heavy tactical combat aircraft design, which you can read more about in our initial analysis piece here. A video and several photos of the second, apparently smaller aircraft began to emerge today and, so far at least, they are fewer in number and of inferior quality, making it harder to determine particular details. 2024年12月22日,一張據信為使用手機拍攝於遼寧省瀋陽市的後掠翼,雙引擎飛機在空飛行的相片在網路上開始流傳。2024年12月26日,由一架被認為是殲-20S雙座技術驗證機伴飛的一架三角翼,三引擎(三聯裝向量發動機),具有主動氣流控制系統的飛機在成都上空附近被大量市民以影片和相片的方式拍攝得,該型飛機即網路傳言之「殲-36」。 因相片與影片顯示兩者都採用無尾翼結構且無垂直和水平穩定器,所以此兩型飛機分別被廣泛認為是沈飛與成飛各自的六代機驗證機。 因此無論如何中國已經正式公開展示出,第六代隱形戰鬥機的初步成果,繳出及格的(成績單60分),除了展出中國空軍的實力,亦同時向美國及西方國家挑戰,中國強勢崛起是玩真的,並非混江湖的花拳秀腿,而是真槍實彈的演出.並非搖控模型機,西方國家的軍事專家深信2025-2030.中國空軍將繼續的改進此2款的第六代隱形戰鬥機,直到配合中國海軍的核子動力航空母艦服役,20301001.中國的國慶日有望在閱兵於北京上空出現,此2款第六代隱形戰鬥機空分列式接受檢閱. https://youtu.be/QObnFiXjkO4?si=qrS8ACVe1JW-tgQt .. Exclusive Secret Combat Capabilities of China’s New Chengdu J-36 Stealth Fighter Jet Unveiled.These features make the J-36 well-suited for long-duration missions and high-speed engagements. Additionally, its delta-wing shape contributes to exceptional maneuverability at high speeds, a critical attribute for modern air combat... https://youtu.be/8nAyRWpMKCA?si=fyr4A6-Ihxg_CWC3
. . WHAT"S HAPPING IN CHINA China Tests Two 6th-Generation Fighter Jet Prototypes ? .Are we blind ? China Air forces rise up. 中國空軍展示出現JH-26.第六代隱形戰鬥機之後,又出現另類版的第六代隱形戰鬥機為什麼? 西方國家的軍事戰略學者專家分析認為,自從美國宣佈研發製造生產第六代隱形戰鬥機迪計劃開始,其實中國早已經先行美國秘密的研究ㄝ發展第六隱形戰鬥機的作業,如今時機成熟,搶先一步公開兩款不同型式第六代隱形戰鬥機,提供中國空軍比較選擇,再正式量產服役,西方國家的軍事戰略學者專家分析認為,2030年度中國空軍極為可能性擁有2款不同型式第六代隱形戰鬥機的服役,其中包括提供核子動力航空母艦(CVN-20 & CVN/21)的艦載機使用版本,如此一來中國整體的國防實力又再度提升,可以與美國的國防實力比擬,毫無疑問的是不分伯仲,2024 年底中國空軍大展軍威,在政治,外交及國防軍事的對外宣傳作秀,顯然是極其成功的戰略佈署,不亞於實兵實彈的軍事演習,傳聞美國的國防部在得知中國空軍成功的試飛兩款第六代隱形戰鬥機之際,已經下令國防部相關單位進行24小時的輪值,務必找出來中國是如何成功的製造第六感隱形戰鬥機,而且是飛成功,如此一來美國的國防部五角大樓燈火通明加班,挑燈夜戰的要與中國看齊,學習中國人奮戰不懈努力以赴的戰鬥精神,
China Tests Two 6th-Generation Fighter Jet Prototypes
China has achieved a significant milestone in aviation technology with the maiden flights of two distinct 6th-generation fighter jet prototypes from Chengdu and Shenyang.
The Chengdu prototype features a tri-engine configuration, delta wings, and a larger frame, emphasizing advanced capabilities. In contrast, the Shenyang design adopts a twin-engine configuration, swept wings, and a slightly smaller structure, prioritizing agility.
Both designs share a groundbreaking tailless conf.
iguration, eliminating traditional vertical and horizontal stabilizers, marking a bold step forward in stealth and aerodynamics.
China Tests Two 6th-Generation Fighter Jet Prototypes
.第六代戰鬥機(英語:Sixth-generation Fighter)是一種諸多大國已經進入概念提案研製階段的戰鬥機,其在第五代戰鬥機的基礎上更加強化了隱形能力和諸多光電航電裝置,以及節約成本費用,尤其是經濟性化、智慧型輔助技術、無人機協同等等,將是一種資訊化戰場下的武器.
( 時事評論|政治 ) |