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2024.朝鮮半島局勢緊張韓戰再度爆發? 美國及多國軍隊進駐南韓包括日本 2 nd KOREA WAR ?
2024/10/19 15:42:08瀏覽140|回應0|推薦6






North Korea says 1.4 million apply to join army amid tensions with South.

North Korean state media said on Wednesday around 1.4 million young people had applied to join or return to the army this week, blaming Seoul for a provocative drone incursion that had brought the "tense situation to the brink of war".The fiery rhetoric comes after North Korea last week accused Seoul of sending drones over Pyongyang that scattered a "huge number" of anti-North leaflets. The North then blew up inter-Korean roads and rail lines on its side of the border on Tuesday, and warned that the South would "pay a dear price"

The young people, including students and youth league officials who had signed petitions to join the army, were determined to fight in a "sacred war of destroying the enemy with the arms of the revolution," the official KCNA news agency said.
"If a war breaks out, the ROK will be wiped off the map. As it wants a war, we are willing to put an end to its existence," the KCNA report said, using the initials of the Souths official name, the Republic of Korea.
Western countries have long accused North Korea of sending weapons to help Russia fight in Ukraine. On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the North was also sending personnel, becoming effectively a participant in the war.
Asked about that issue, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said there were signs of the Norths enhanced material support for Russia "which is being felt on the battlefield", but that Washington was still evaluating the reports.



鮮半島情勢升溫,北韓20241016日宣稱,2天來已有多達140萬名年輕人申請參軍,準備「消滅敵人」.南北韓關係持續惡化,北韓領袖金正恩,20241017日在視察北韓人民軍時,再度形容南韓是「外國」與「敵對國家」。金正恩並重申,北韓對所謂南北韓必須統一,已經「絲毫不感興趣」。.北韓加強備戰並且徵兵100 餘萬人參軍.準備隨時開戰抵抗美國及聯軍的入侵 韓戰只有簽署停戰協議 可以隨時再度開戰如今美國在全世界挑起戰爭如俄烏戰爭 以色列攻打巴勒斯坦 黎巴嫩敘利亞及胡賽武裝組織甚至於挑戰伊朗 現在美國利用錯綜複雜的朝鮮半島的事件又再度聯合盟國駐軍南韓甚至於強迫南韓接受日本的軍隊進駐顯示出美國的陰謀詭計就是要再度挑起韓戰引誘中國及俄羅斯的介入 中國會再度發起"抗美援朝"的大規模戰爭? .


國際戰略觀察家分析認為美國的陰謀詭計是引誘中國再度介入朝鮮半島的局勢, 好全面協助以色列抵抗巴勒斯坦 黎巴嫩 敘利亞 胡賽武裝組織及伊朗的攻擊 而將中國引進戰爭破壞中國嫡經濟發展.傳聞中國北部戰區已經進入戒備狀態,隨時動員打仗,除此之外美國軍事情報透露出,中國已經派遣軍事顧問,進駐朝鮮平壤附近的軍營,指導電子作戰及其他戰略佈署.



美國在1950-1953.年的韓戰澈底失敗,簽署停戰協議, 如今事隔70 餘年後,美國再度挑起朝鮮半島的軍事衝突,.截至筆者發稿為止,北韓已經炸毀38 線南北韓邊境的鐵路公路與橋樑,顯示出開戰的準備作業,.除此之外傳聞南韓踞守邊境的軍隊已經開火向北韓射擊?






S. Korean Defense Ministry claims Japanese troops can temporarily stay in Korea without legislative approval.

The South Korean Ministry of National Defense has taken the stance that the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) do not need approval from the South Korean National Assembly when temporarily staying on US Forces Korea (USFK) bases. Article 60, Clause 2 of the Republic of Korea Constitution stipulates National Assembly approval for any foreign military to be stationed on South Korean territory. The position of the Defense Ministry is that JSDF troops staying on US bases does not constitute the stationing of foreign troops on Korean soil. 

Critics say the Defense Ministry has arbitrarily interpreted what constitutes “stationing troops.” As Shigeru Ishiba, the newly appointed Japanese prime minister, is known for his hawkish views on national security, such an arbitrary interpretation could end up becoming a self-inflicted military weakness later on, observers say.  

According to documents the Hankyoreh obtained from the office of Democratic Party lawmaker Hong Kee-won on Monday, when questioned about National Assembly approval for JSDF troops to be temporarily stationed at USFK bases to aid in the transport of supplies and manpower from US Forces Japan to USFK, a Defense Ministry representative replied, “JSDF troops temporarily coming into South Korea to use USFK bases does not require National Assembly approval as it does not fall under the stationing of alien forces in Korean territory stipulated in Article 60, Clause 2 of the Constitution.”  

Yet this statement from the Defense Ministry differs from the one offered by national security adviser Shin Won-sik during a meeting of the National Assemblys Special Committee on Budget and Accounts. When questioned by the committee on the same issue, Shin replied, “As stationing Japanese troops is not part of the US-ROK Status of Forces Agreement [SOFA], I think that would require National Assembly approval.”









North Korea sends 1,500 troops to aid Russia’s war in Ukraine, 

North Korea has shipped 1,500 soldiers to Russia for training, South Korea’s spy agency said on Friday, describing the move as the first step in the secretive state’s military involvement in Moscow’s war against Ukraine.

The hermit nation transported its special forces fighters on seven Russian ships earlier in October, South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) said in a press release on Friday.

Those units had previously been personally inspected by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the agency added.



日本自衛隊的軍隊已經駐紮美國駐南韓的美軍基地內,人數不詳,對於北韓而研定要報仇血恨,日本殖民朝鮮半島時期對於朝鮮人民的種種迫害及壓迫, 如今機會使然,日本受到美國的引誘不得不派遣軍隊進駐南韓,參加第二次的韓戰 ,如此一來北韓逮到機會, 絕對的拚死參戰消滅所有的日本自衛隊的軍隊, 如此一來美國人的陰謀詭計得逞,拍手叫好與我無關?..

美國山姆大叔漁翁得利,如此一來消耗日本的經濟實力,也就是說藉由第二次韓戰,壓迫日本購買更多的美國軍事武器使用,更進一步要求日本派遣更多的自衛隊,前往朝鮮半島參戰, 好修改日本憲法,名副其實的修憲讓日本擴充軍隊,正式改名駐軍海外,當成美軍的先鋒部隊替美軍擋子彈當炮灰,可憐又可悲的日本人明白知情但又如何?

The U.S.–Japan–South Korea Trilateral Partnership: Pursuing Regional Stability and Avoiding Military Escalation.




.Japanese military conducted drill to defend remote island..

Japan troops move to South Korea join war game.


Japan military hammered and war hasnt even started - Asia Times

Japan, South Korea to agree on mutual expat evacuations from abroad -  Nikkei Asia.







( 時事評論國際 )
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