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以色列無法無天攻擊聯合國駐守黎巴嫩的維和部隊Attacks on UN peacekeepers tellingly lawless
2024/10/15 14:15:33瀏覽11|回應0|推薦2


40 countries ‘strongly condemn’ Israeli attacks on UN peacekeepers

At least five members of UNIFIL peacekeeping mission have been wounded in south Lebanon in recent days.

Forty countries contributing to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Lebanon on Saturday condemned recent Israeli attacks on the mission and called for an investigation of the incidents.

At least five peacekeepers in the mission, known as UNIFIL, have been wounded in recent days amid escalating violence in southern Lebanon after Israel launched a ground invasion against the Hezbollah militant group.

The 40 countries said they "strongly condemn recent attacks on UNIFIL peacekeepers," according to a statement issued Saturday. "Such actions must stop immediately and should be adequately investigated," they said.  





以色列裝甲部隊進攻黎巴嫩造成傷亡慘重- Red Square 123的部落格- udn部落格



聯合國駐黎巴嫩部隊遭以軍襲擊.是否由美國幕後策劃由以色列執行, 假借攻擊黎巴嫩真主黨 好為美軍登陸作戰 ?








Attacks on UN peacekeepers tellingly lawless..

Deliberate attacks on United Nations personnel involved in peacekeeping operations, including armed members, are unlawful and amount to war crimes.

Such attacks are a grave violation of international humanitarian law and UN Security Council Resolution 1701(2006), according to a statement issued by the United Nations after the recent attacks on UN peacekeepers by Israeli forces, which have a long history of such attacks.

READ MORE: Israeli strike wounds two UN peacekeepers in Lebanon

In 1987, an Israeli tank squad opened fire on a village where a UN Interim Force in Lebanon command post was located, killing an Irish peacekeeper. In 1996, Israel shelled the UNIFILs Fijian battalion in southern Lebanons Qana, when more than 120 Lebanese civilians were killed and about 500 injured. Four UN soldiers, too, were injured. In late November 2023, Israeli forces fired at a UNIFIL patrol close to Aitaroun in southern Lebanon, although no peacekeepers were injured.

In their latest attacks on UN peacekeepers, Israeli forces repeatedly fired at a guard tower at the headquarters of the UNIFIL on Thursday, injuring two members of the force, and fired at a watchtower, injuring two more peacekeepers, on Friday.

If Israels initial strikes against Hamas in the Gaza Strip could be considered retaliation for the latters surprise attacks on its civilians on Oct 7, 2023, it is a brazen and serious breach of international law for its military forces to deliberately fire at the UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

Given what it has done to UN peacekeepers previously, the only explanation is that Israel takes it for granted that it can act with impunity to fulfill its military objectives.

It seems that Israel considers everyone is a valid target, even UN peacekeepers and civilians, in pursuit of its war aims.

If Israel considers it justifiable to flout international law by deliberately firing at UN peacekeepers, it absolves itself of the right to condemn Hamas for its Oct 7 attacks and the launching of rocket attacks against it by Hezbollah, as well as other military organizations in the Middle East.

By killing innocent civilians in Gaza and targeting UN peacekeepers in Lebanon, Israel is telling the world that it does not obey international law and, instead, considers itself to be a law unto itself. But if it follows the principle that the end justifies the means, then it should not be surprised that the military organizations which are fighting against it adopt the same principle.

This mutual no-holds-barred approach is the prime reason why the vicious cycle of violence between Israel and the militant forces it is fighting shows no sign of abating — why there seems to be little hope of peace in the Middle East.

For Israel, the more brutal and violent its military actions are, the more impossible it will be for it to achieve the lasting peace and security it hopes to attain.

Support from the United States makes a great difference to what Israel can do in flexing its military muscles. Without the military and other aid from the US, Israel does not have enough of the resources it needs to sustain its protracted military actions both in Gaza and southern Lebanon.

ALSO READ: Middle East conflict cycle should be stopped

In this sense, the support Israel gets from the US is the key to how far Israel can go in pressing ahead with its military campaigns. The influential role American Jews play in US politics is a factor in the US election, which explains why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is bold enough to challenge US President Joe Biden without fearing losing the support of the US.

As far as the role of the US is concerned, it should shoulder its responsibility and use its leverage to keep Israel in check. The longer it fails to use its influence on Tel Aviv to end the military conflict or at least realize a cease-fire, the more it will become complicit in Israels flouting of international law, and thus the more it will be viewed as being an accomplice, further undermining its claim to be upholding common values. Might does not make right, as Washington and Tel Aviv seem intent on proving.






聲明表示,「任何對維和人員的蓄意攻擊都是對國際人道法的嚴重違反。」其實早在一週之前以色列的裝甲部隊故意炮擊中國駐黎巴嫩維和部隊的基地周邊的空地 警告中國部隊必須撤離的意味濃厚.




.US urges Israel to stop shooting at UN peacekeepers in Lebanon

所謂的國際維和部隊駐守黎巴嫩由25個國家輪流派遣維和部隊駐守,壓制以色列及黎巴嫩再度爆發戰爭,事實上以色列與黎巴嫩迪恩怨情仇的情節與巴勒斯坦的狀況類似,但是黎巴嫩有許多歐洲國家早已在此地區投資發展貿易旅遊以及其他產業,黎巴嫩迪首都貝魯特為中東地區唯一開放酒店及相關夜總會的國家,以符合黎巴嫩與歐洲諸國的共同利益,上一世紀 黎巴嫩真主黨主(伊斯蘭教) 與基督教長槍黨開始黨爭及發展地區爭奪利益,最終爆發流血衝突,也就是說伊斯蘭教的教徒與基督教的教徒爆發戰爭,雙方死傷慘重最後交由聯合國制約雙方, 而派遣維和部隊進駐黎巴嫩.

其中上一世紀美國帝國主義霸道,強行派出優勢的軍隊,攻打黎巴嫩,主要是協助基督教長槍黨搶奪地盤並分享利益,美國派出大量的海軍陸戰隊,進駐黎巴嫩,顯示出長期霸佔的企圖心,不僅引起歐洲及其他國家的不滿,更進一步引起黎巴嫩真主黨的反抗進行遊擊戰與美軍周旋,傳聞美國海軍陸戰隊的人員在貝魯特的夜總會喝酒,打架鬧事,甚至於性侵害黎巴嫩的女人,此舉澈底的惹怒真主黨的,因而進行大規模的自殺式攻擊,美國海軍陸戰隊的爆炸案,導致於美軍死傷超過500名以上,因此讓美軍終於嚐到苦不堪言,最後撤出黎巴嫩,等待機會重返黎巴嫩, 攻打真主黨事件演變至今的局面, 美國舊計重施由以色列做為開路先鋒與黎巴嫩真主黨開戰.

1983 Beirut barracks bombings.On October 23, 1983, two truck bombs were detonated at buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF), a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. The attack killed 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers..


40 years after Beirut: How the bombing still haunts the Corps today.

美國與黎巴嫩真主黨40 年前的血海深仇如今等到機會 國際戰略專家學者分析認為美國遲早會出兵攻打黎巴嫩.






Israel attacks UN peacekeepers in Lebanon: Why it’s such a big deal

The international community considers Israel’s attack on UNIFIL’s headquarters a violation of international law.


The Israeli military has fired on the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon twice in less than 48 hours, the UN says.

Israeli forces repeatedly fired at a guard tower at the headquarters of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on Thursday, injuring two members of the force, and again fired at a watchtower, injuring two more peacekeepers, on Friday.

UN peacekeeper wounded in Lebanon amid escalating Israel-Hezbollah conflict





( 時事評論政治 )
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