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美國CIA 刊登中文廣告招攬人員The CIA launches campaign to recruit informants in China, North Korea, and Iran
2024/10/10 15:09:43瀏覽24|回應0|推薦1



The CIA rarely leaves a trace, but this time it has made an exception. Through a social media campaign, the agency is seeking to recruit informants in China, North Korea, and Iran-three countries with which the United States maintains highly tense relations.

This recruitment announcement has been published on Facebook, YouTube, and X (formerly Twitter) in several languages, including Mandarin, Korean, and Farsi.

Meanwhile, China has responded to the CIAs campaign, stating that "the United States is deploying an organized and systematic disinformation campaign against our country."

What Exactly Is the CIA Looking For?

The Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S. is hoping that citizens from China, North Korea, and Iran will get in touch to provide information. According to the CIAs statement, the goal is to let people living in these countries know that the agency is willing to collaborate with them.

To do this safely, the CIA provides several instructions, such as using encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs) or browsers like Tor, which allow for anonymous browsing and are ideal for accessing the dark web.

This campaign is not the first of its kind. The CIA notes that similar initiatives have been successful, such as the one launched in Russia following the start of the invasion of Ukraine.

At that time, the agency also released messages on social media to attract informants, followed by instructional videos published last year with clear guidelines on how to contact them securely..

The CIA rarely leaves a trace, but this time it has made an exception. Through a social media campaign, the agency is seeking to recruit informants in China, North Korea, and Iran-three countries with which the United States maintains highly tense relations.

This recruitment announcement has been published on Facebook, YouTube, and X (formerly Twitter) in several languages, including Mandarin, Korean, and Farsi.

This strategy appears to have worked, which has motivated the agency to expand its focus to other countries considered adversaries of the U.S.

Tensions between China and Washington are particularly evident due to the situation in the Taiwan Strait and Beijings support for Moscow.




美國人一廂情願招攬許多中國,伊朗和北韓的人民。當作外圍組織成員替代CIA.蒐集各式各樣有關於中迪情報,原因就是無法瞭解中華文化就是無法滲透中國,搞情報組織搞破壞敵事項,美國人與西方人同屬於白種人綠/藍眼睛及金色荷色頭髮,容易化妝改變再加上生活習慣 ,宗教信仰以及語言相當,最容易發展間諜迪遊戲產業,尤其是CIA/KGB,他們擅長於雙面諜迪組織發展,滲透於彼此國家,搞破壞事項也就是說比較容易,美國與中建交超過40 多年,美國CIA.的間諜始終無法在中國境內發展生存,反而在美國境內利用少數華裔美籍人士誘惑它們為美國服務,結果失敗者居多,因此美國CIA.才會招攬中國,伊朗和北韓的人民為祈服務,傳聞年薪均可達到US$45000-72000.左右,但是任務失敗也就是說極可能迪被處分甚至於遭受到滅口消失,因此傳聞招生情況並不順利?.





中情局副局長科恩(David Cohen)對《彭博社》指出,中國有很多人對習近平政權感到不滿,「他們從根本上不喜歡習近平帶領國家的方向,而這些人明白透過與我們合作,他們可以幫助自己的國家」。科恩說,CIA正繼續努力加強招募那些離開中國的中國公民,而且這樣的招募行動,獲得全球越來越多中情局中國問題專家的支持。






The Central Intelligence Agency in the U.S. is expanding an online drive to recruit more informants in China, North Korea, and Iran.

That’s according to the South China Morning Post, Ukrinform reports.

“CIA is providing instructions in multiple languages on how to securely contact us,” the agency posted on its official pages on X, YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Dark Web, with videos in Mandarin, Korean and Farsi.

With the rise in bilateral tensions, China has become a tough target for US intelligence agencies, making it harder for their analysis to stay current on the nation they describe as a “pacing threat” to American military and economic dominance.

The latest videos arrive as the CIA has reportedly struggled to rebuild its spy network in China after at least 20 informants were caught in the country almost a decade ago.





( 時事評論政治 )
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