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2024 中國北京香山論壇啟示錄2024.Beijing Xiangshan Forum offers platform to address global challenges
2024/09/19 12:24:12瀏覽20|回應0|推薦1












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在香山論壇舉行前,美國印太司令部司令、海軍上將(Samuel Paparo)與中共南部戰區司令員吳亞男上將進行了視頻通話。美國國防部證實,吳亞男近日將出席美國印太司令部在夏威夷舉辦的一次防務會議。


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國際戰略專家學者研究分析認為,如今國際局勢變化多端,中國的國防軍事武力強勢崛起, 已經成為世界性第3大軍事強國,美國及西方國家認為,中國軍隊已有實力介入國際性的軍事衝突,然而中國確是"按兵不動",等待最佳時機才出手,一招讓敵人斃命失敗,尤其是未來的台灣海峽兩岸的軍事衝突,美國與其他國家介入,企圖挑戰中國的力量,無益於是以失敗告終,有來無回,中國佔有地理位置的優勢,美國及西方國家增援台灣,則無異於自投羅網,無法長久進行遙遠的海外戰爭,誰優誰劣可想而知..

.Tension across the Taiwan Strait has increased since Taiwans pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won the Presidential elections for the third consecutive time in January 2024. The victory of the DPPs Lai Ching-te clearly signalled that the people of Taiwan do not want to reunify, or more correctly, be merged with the communist Peoples Republic of China. After a silence of over 25 hours during which Beijing made no comment on Lai Ching-te’s victory, it started flexing its military muscle and began sending large numbers of Navy warships and Air Force aircraft in the Taiwan Strait and around Taiwan, thereby signalling it was keeping open its military options for the reunification with Taiwan. Many of the Chinese aircraft crossed the median line in the Taiwan Strait.


.War over Taiwan starts to seem probable, not just possible

Why China and the US are so obsessed with Taiwan | Mapped Out?

The US-China superpower rivalry is on full display in Taiwan. Beijing wants control of the island and is willing to use force to get it. Washington has been ambiguous about how it would respond but is expanding its military presence in the region. Taiwan is at the center of the US first island chain strategy to contain China. A standoff seems almost unavoidable. But what factors give the tiny island such an outsize importance for both superpowers? And why is neither side backing down? We speak to foreign policy experts Victor Gao (Center for China and Globalization) and David Sacks (Council on Foreign Relations) and find out what people in Taiwan think of the tensions.

Beijing Xiangshan Forum offers platform to address global challenges.

The 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.


Promoting Peace for a Shared Future



The 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum will be held at the Beijing International Convention Center from September 12th to 14th. The theme of this year’s forum is “Promoting Peace for a Shared Future”. The forum includes welcome dinner, opening ceremony, 4 plenary sessions, and 8 simultaneous special sessions. The plenary sessions focus on topics such as the role of “Global South” countries in international security, improving international security mechanisms, maintaining peace and development in the Asia-Pacific region, and achieving a balanced and orderly multipolar world. The simultaneous special sessions cover a range of topics such as regional hotspots, emerging technologies, arms control, humanitarian issues, and more. Additionally, there will be special activities including special speech, leading experts’ dialogue, and closed-door seminars.



Chinas top security and defense forum, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, kicked off on Thursday with a series of high-end interviews on topics such as the Global Security Initiative, the Global South, the security in the Asia-Pacific and the China-US relations, as a record-breaking number of participants from more than 100 countries and international organizations gathered in Beijing under the theme of the event, "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future."

The 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, scheduled from Thursday to Saturday in the golden autumn of Beijing, is being attended by more than 500 representatives from official delegations of more than 100 countries and international organizations, in addition to over 200 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars. 

More than 30 defense ministers and military chiefs will attend the meeting alongside high-ranking officials from international and regional organizations.

The number and level of participants has exceeded all previous years with increasingly wider representation, according to the events organizer.

Multiple high-end interviews took place on the first day of the forum, not only focusing on regional security such as the security in the Asia-Pacific, China-US relations and the security in Europe, but also gave global perspectives in terms of the Global Security Initiative, the Global South and international rules. Young military officers and scholars from many countries also got a chance to hold a seminar to discuss approaches to addressing international conflicts, while leading experts had a dialogue on AI security.

It is a good opportunity to share impressions about different countries and perspectives, and to do so alongside military officials and scholars. Such chances are rare, which makes this opportunity even more important, John Richard Waters III, managing director for the China Practice at Eurasia Group and a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of the US, told the Global Times on the sidelines of the forum on Thursday.

Attila Demkó, head of the Centre for Geopolitics at Mathias Corvinus College of Hungary, believes China is an extremely important player in global security. 

He told the Global Times that the Beijing Xiangshan Forum will provide an opportunity to take into consideration what China is saying, including Chinas positions on key global issues such as the Ukraine conflict.

Agreeing with Chinas vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, Lawrence Freeman, a political economic analyst for Africa, told the Global Times on Thursday that Chinas initiatives, which are to modernize and develop the economy, expand agriculture, and improve the standard of living, are essential goals that all human beings on this planet, regardless of ethnicity, religion or geographic location, strive for.

In the coming two days, the forum will convene four plenary sessions on Security Cooperation and Asia-Pacific Prosperity and Stability, Multipolarity and the Evolving International Order, Global South and World Peaceful Development, as well as International Mechanisms and Global Security Governance. 

Eight special sessions will also be convened covering security topics related to ASEAN, Northeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East, China-US relations, new technologies, arms control and humanitarian crises.

Hot topics

Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun is expected to deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the forum on Friday.

Multiple forum participants from home and abroad told the Global Times that the Beijing Xiangshan Forum lays importance on the Global South, as it gives smaller developing countries, viewed by China as friends, a platform to address their security and development concerns.

The forum is not only a platform for the South-South, but also South-North cooperation, observers said, as this years event further expanded the scale of participation from developed countries and emerging powers, with European and American scholars accounting for about one third of participating foreign scholars, according to the event organizer.

When discussing security in the Asia-Pacific, China-US relations, or security issues closely linked to China in general, hot topics such as the Taiwan question and the South China Sea issue attracted particular attention from forum participants and the media.

Lieutenant General He Lei, former vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA), reiterated at the forum that there is only one China in the world, the government of the Peoples Republic of China is the sole legal government representing China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinas territory.

National reunification is inevitable, and the PLA has firm determination, strong will, powerful capabilities and effective means in resolutely defending national sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and unity, He told the Global Times, also slamming the US arms sales to the island of Taiwan, which he said cannot change the inevitable failure of the "Taiwan independence" forces regardless of their quantity or types.

On the South China Sea issue, He pointed out that it was because of the Philippines frequent provocative moves on Chinese islands and reefs that have escalated tensions.

With the Philippines also sending experts and scholars to the forum, it is a good chance to have more in-depth and rational discussions and further clarify Chinas principled positions,



( 時事評論國際 )
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