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2024.年中非合作論壇峰會 啟示錄.China hosts Africa Summit 2024.
2024/09/11 14:21:12瀏覽161|回應0|推薦3




0905-9.jpgXi hosts African leaders, lauds model China-Africa ties ahead of grand summit.








2024.中非合作論壇高峰會非洲53 個國家領導人及團隊勇躍出席.




中國重金投資非洲進行基礎建設,公路,鐵路, 醫院, 學校, 水壩,發電廠, 等等, 都是無息貸款融資, 甚至於是免費資助,更進一步派遣醫療隊,農耕隊,無條件的協助非洲的54國家.相形之下, 歐美的帝國主義侵略非洲, 巧取豪奪的殺戮,搶奪非洲的資源, 農業,礦業,甚至於販賣非洲人民為奴隸,到歐洲美洲與其他地區為奴隸, 如今400 年過去 ,非洲人覺醒, 再也不願意被壓迫被奴役, 他們藉由中國的各式各樣的資助, 建設自己的國家與管理, 降低彼此在種族,信仰,文化上的差異,衝突,轉為互不侵犯,互助合作的建設非洲,讓非洲成為非洲人的非洲,自己當家作主,脫離歐,美諸多的脅迫與管制.



.總部設在北京的諮詢機構「發展再構思」(Development Reimagined)還說,將來或許可以看到,「越來越多的未來非洲領導人曾經在中國學習」:「隨著非洲與中國的關係變得更加緊密,必須要有懂得如何與中國合作並最終與中國談判的政府部長和公務員......未來,如果這些留學中國的趨勢能夠在新冠疫情之後繼續下去,我們可以期待越來越多的未來非洲領導人在中國學習,從而與中國建立更牢固的關係。」












Delegations from dozens of African countries are gathering in Beijing for a three-day summit set to see China showcase itself as a lead partner for the continent, despite slowing lending for its development – and as it faces rising frictions with the West.

A procession of African leaders have arrived in the Chinese capital in recent days, greeted at the airport by honor guards and dance troupes with images flashed across state media, while Chinese officials have touted the gathering as the largest diplomatic event they’ve hosted in recent years.

The fanfare comes as Chinese leader Xi Jinping has much to signal to his visiting counterparts, and the world, as the summit gets underway Wednesday.


It is the first such gathering between Chinese and African leaders in the capital since 2018 and arrives at a critical juncture in ties between Beijing and a continent that’s home to its only overseas military base and where it has been the driving economic foreign power.

In recent decades, free flowing Chinese funding has driven the construction of highways, rail lines and power plants across Africa. The financing has filled funding gaps and expanded China’s political influence, but also generated criticism it was saddling countries with unsustainable debt.

Now, in the face of these concerns and its own economic slowdown, Xi and his officials will be likely pitching a new tune – what they posit as sustainable “small yet beautiful” investments and more collaboration on the green technologies in which China leads the world in producing.

Analysts say China is not the main cause of African debt distress in most cases, making up a comparatively small portion of the continent’s overall public debt. But the influx of Chinese loans increased the debt burden, and observers suggest China has moved too slowly or been inflexible in cases when it comes to helping countries that are heavily indebted to it get relief.

Beijing has defended its lending practices and its efforts to ease debt repayment but is unlikely to make debt relief a major theme of the multilateral summit, where it will focus on trade measures and promoting what it says is a shift to “small yet beautiful” investments.

The term, referring to projects with smaller budgets and environmental or social impact, has emerged as a key buzzword as Xi’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). That’s as the infrastructure drive for the developing world transitions to a new phase following a decade of growth – that saw some projects slammed for environmental costs or poor labor standards and others stalled.

“There will be fewer projects but a greater spotlight on them. In an ironic way, I think this will lead to a more sustainable path,” said Bhaso Ndzendze, an associate professor of politics and international relations at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa.

But “the African side is keen to accept almost anything that China has to offer,” he continued, pointing to limited alternative avenues of support.

Beijing is also expected to push to make Africa’s market a destination for its prolific production of green tech like solar panels and electric vehicles.

The move may be welcomed by African nations grappling with power shortages and climate threat, but also comes as such Chinese goods face hefty tariffs in the US, Europe and Canada, as those markets move to block what they see as a flood of unfairly subsidized products..



( 時事評論政治 )
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