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以.巴戰爭遊戲為什麼 以色列 不讓巴勒斯坦 齋戒月不停火?
2024/03/27 18:59:29瀏覽110|回應0|推薦4

.以巴衝突-哈馬斯指下周恢復加沙停火談判-稱齋戒月前難達成協議Israel-Palestine War Game Why doesn’t Israel allow Palestine to cease fire during Ramadan?...

  • The live page is now closed. You can continue to follow our coverage of the war in Gaza here.
  • The US says Israel has not yet presented a plan to protect civilians in its planned invasion of Rafah, as Israel’s self-imposed Ramadan deadline for invasion passes.
  • Amid a surge in Israeli attacks on Gaza, Jordan warns curbs imposed by Israel on worshippers’ access to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem during Ramadan is pushing the situation towards an “explosion”.
  • UNRWA says “hunger is everywhere in Gaza” as Ramadan begins and reiterates calls for an “immediate ceasefire” during the holy month.
  • Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’s political bureau, blames Israel for failing to reach a ceasefire deal before Ramadan, saying: “We don’t want an agreement that doesn’t end the war on Gaza.”
  • At least 31,045 Palestinians have been killed and 72,654 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attacks stands at 1,139, and dozens continue to be held captive.

Israel declares war against Hamas as casualty figures rise - The Boston  GlobeIsrael and Hamas Agree to End Brief War - The New York Times

Displaced Palestinians prepare an iftar meal, the breaking of fast, on the first day of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, outside a tent in Rafah.


Gaza ceasefire talks appear to stall days before Ramadan

Two days of negotiations in Cairo break up with Hamas accusing Israeli PM of not wanting to a deal.

.Negotiations aimed at brokering a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war appear to have stalled, days before an unofficial deadline of the beginning of Ramadan.

Two days of talks between Hamas and international mediators in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, have not yielded any significant breakthroughs, Palestinian officials said, after Israel declined to send a delegation to the latest round of negotiations.

“[Benjamin] Netanyahu doesn’t want to reach an agreement” and “the ball now is in the Americans’ court” to press the Israeli prime minister to come back to the table, Basem Naim, the head of Hamas’s political division in Gaza, told reporters in text messages.

.Israel has demanded that Hamas present a list of 40 elderly, sick and female hostages who would be the first to be released as part of a truce that would initially last six weeks, beginning with the month of Ramadan, which is expected to start on Sunday.

Hamas has reiterated its position that all Israeli forces leave Gaza, large-scale humanitarian aid should be allowed in, and that Palestinians displaced from their homes in the north of the coastal territory be allowed to return.

Diplomatic sources in Washington said on Monday it was unclear what was stopping the Palestinian militant group from producing a list identifying the first batch of hostages, noting that similar uncertainties ended up collapsing the last successful truce in November after a week.

They suggested it could reflect communications issues between Hamas units inside and outside Gaza, that some hostages could be held by other groups, including the more hardline Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or that elements of Hamas were withholding the information as a way of obstructing a deal.

Palestinians search for their belongings amid the rubble of houses destroyed by Israeli bombardment in Rafah in the southern Gaza Stripشهرُ رَمَضَانَ (والجمع: رَمَضانات وأرمضاء وأرمضة ورماضين[1]) هو الشهرُ التاسعُ في التقويم الهجري الذي يلي شهر شعبان، يعتبر هذا الشهر مميزًا عند المسلمين وذو مكانة خاصة عن باقي شهور السنة الهجرية، فهو شهر الصوم الركن الرابع من أركان الإسلام، يمتنع المسلمون في أيامه ( إلا لعُذرٌ شرعي) عن تناول الطعام و‌الشراب والمغذيات ويتجنبون محظورات تبطل الصوم من طلوع الفجر إلى غروب الشمس.[2]

يبدأ شهر رمضان مع بداية الشهر القمري الجديد، وترسم بدايته إما بثبوت رؤية الهلال في مساء اليوم 29 من شعبان، وعليه يكون اليوم الموالي هو أول أيام رمضان، أو بعد اليوم المتمم (اليوم 30) لشهر شعبان في حال عدم ثبوت رؤيته. أيام رمضان. مثل غيره من الأشهر القمرية، تمتد ل 29 يومًا أو 30، وينتهي أيضًا بثبوت رؤية هلال شهر قمري جديد، وعند انقضاء رمضان، يحتفل المسلمون في أول يوم من شوال بعيد الفطر.

لشهر رمضان مكانة خاصة في تراث وتاريخ المسلمين لما شهده من أحداث؛ أبرزها بداية نزول القرآن من اللوح المحفوظ إلى السماء الدنيا، في ليلة من أواخر الشهر هي ليلة القدر. يؤمن المسلمون بأنها أفضل من ألف شهر،

يرتبط شهر رمضان أيضًا عند المسلمين بالعديد من الشعائر الدينية مثل: صلاة التراويح والاعتكاف في العشر الأواخر، والعديد من العادات والتقاليد مثل دعوة الآخرين على الإفطار وإقامة موائد للإفطار والتصدق على المحتاجين، وتنتشر العديد من المظاهر التراثية المرتبطة بهالشهر مثل: الفانوس والزينة ومدفع رمضان، وتعود إلى الواجهة أيضًا شخصيات مثل المس











賴買丹月(阿拉伯語:رمضان‎ Ramaḍān國際音標:[rɑmɑˈdˤɑːn][variations] 波斯語رَمَضان‎ Ramazān),直譯「拉瑪丹」和「賴買丹」,意為「禁月」,或者半意譯作「來丹」,是伊斯蘭曆(回曆)的第九個月,也是伊斯蘭教穆斯林實行齋戒的月份。根據《古蘭經》記載,這個月是「真主」阿拉將《古蘭經》下降給先知穆罕默德的月份,所以也是全年12個月中的最神聖者。發生在公曆2024年的齋戒的日期為3月10日至4月9日。

( 時事評論政治 )
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