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2020/06/14 12:03:31瀏覽462|回應1|推薦11 | |
Before and after: St. Petersburg palaces destroyed by the Nazis . 1941年德國納粹黨的空軍無情的轟炸皇家園林夏宮(彼得霍夫堡),使得整體的夏宮幾乎全部燬壞,在第二次世界大戰結束後的日子裡,蘇聯政府與聖彼得堡的居民,同心協力集資與招攬工匠,歷經10年的時間,全體修繕完成,使得沙皇彼得大帝的夏宮,以及凱薩琳女皇冬宮從見天日,再度開放參觀遊覽,並收取門票做為整建的基金,同時安排便衣安全人員駐守以防不測.至於皇宮內所有的珍貴物品古董,蘇聯政府早於WW2,開打之前,已經密秘儲存於西伯利亞某處軍營內妥善保存,但是皇宮內部的壁畫及雕塑等飾物,就是以工匠按照當時的材料與工法逐年修護. 本報導所附照片及文字,皆取材於俄羅斯國家內政部及聖彼得堡觀光局,特此註明. These majestic royal residences with their splendid parks were occupied by the Germans and almost completely destroyed. It took many years for them to be painstakingly restored, and now we can admire their beauty once more. Peterhof:The royal residence in Peterhof is perhaps the most splendid of the famous palaces built in the environs of St. Petersburg. Peter the Great began building it in 1715 and wanted it to surpass Versailles in beauty and luxury. After World War II, however, very little was left of Peterhof. On September 23, 1941, it was occupied by the Germans. For two months, the Soviet army tried to recapture it, but in vain. Peterhof remained under constant bombardment until the Siege of Leningrad was lifted in January 1944.The restoration work, however, progresses very slowly and is still ongoing: even in the main palace not all the interiors have yet been restored. ,, Tsarskoe Selo This palace and park south of St. Petersburg was a summer residence of the tsars. Its construction began under Catherine I, the wife of Peter the Great, but only during the reign of the emperor’s daughter, Elizabeth, was the palace developed to its definitive baroque look. This royal residence suffered no less than Peterhof during the war. Museum employee Vera Lemus recalled how staff were still hiding valuable exhibits as they heard the shots of the approaching German troops. The Catherine Palace.:In September, the Germans occupied Tsarskoe Selo. The Catherine Palace was badly damaged and became a target for shelling. The Germans used its ground floor as a garage. They disfigured art objects remaining in the palace and looted part of its unique collection.
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