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2011/03/15 19:05:13瀏覽1401|回應5|推薦90 | |
多少人...可以把每天當成最後一天活?你可以確定.......每天都有明天嗎? 近日看到日本的震災與海嘯,情緒異常低落,下班的路上眼淚莫名的落下來... 天災人禍,人生幾何,亦多無常, 誰能夠確定, 每次出門都平安? 明日還可以跟家人或朋友相見? 吵架後....有機會可以說對不起? 把每天都當最後一天吧! 如果想做什麼、想說什麼、想去哪裡, 就放手去吧! 分享Nickelback --- If Today Was Your Last Day MTV,請拜訪的人有耐心的觀賞,希望可以感動你們並"會心一笑" !(這些主角們片頭雖然行跡詭異,但後面的行為讓人驚喜!!) Nickelback - If Today Was Your Last Day from Nickelback on Vimeo. My best friend gave me the best advice 我最好的朋友給了我一句金玉良言 He said each day's a gift and not a given right 他說每個日子都是上天的青睞 並非任你採摘 Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind 切勿馬虎以待 放下你的恐懼 And try to take the path less traveled by 並在人煙罕至的道路上 向前邁開腳步 That first step you take is the longest stride 這跨出的第一步就是最大的進展 If today was your last day 假使今天是你的最後一天 Tomorrow was too late 明天就太遲了 Could you say goodbye to yesterday? 你能否跟昨日告別? Would you live each moment like your last? 是否分秒不留遺憾? Leave old pictures in the past 不再看氾黃的照片 Donate every dime you have? 捐出所有你有的財產? If today was your last day 假使今天是你的最後一天 Against the grain should be a way of life 逆流而上本該是生活姿態 what’s worth the prize is always worth the fight 那些值得擁有的 值得你為它奮鬥 Every second counts 'cause there’s no second try 分秒必爭 因為沒有所謂的重來 So live like you’ll never live it twice 所以要活得燦爛精彩 don’t take the free ride in your own life 別在自己的人生裡旁觀 If today was your last day 假使今天是你的最後一天 Tomorrow was too late 明天就太遲 Could you say goodbye to yesterday? 你能否跟昨日告別? Would you live each moment like your last? 是否分秒不留遺憾? Leave old pictures in the past 不再看氾黃的照片 Donate every dime you have? 捐出所有你有的財產? Would you call old friends you never see? 打電話給失聯的親友? Reminisce old memories 追憶當年 Would you forgive your enemies? 你是否願意原諒你的死敵? Would you find that one you’re dreamin' of? 你是否會去找心中所想的那個人? Swear up and down to God above 做出承諾 敢做敢當 That you finally fall in love 承認你終於愛上了 If today was your last day 假使今天是你的最後一天 If today was your last day 假使今天是你的最後一天 Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart? 你可願為修補一顆受傷的心 藉以這一世的留念 You know it’s never too late to shoot for the stars 你知道 完成目標永遠不嫌晚 Regardless of who you are 無論你是誰 So do whatever it takes 放手一搏吧 'Cause you can’t rewind a moment in this life 因為生命的片段不能夠倒帶 Let nothin' stand in your way 忽視一切障礙 Cause the hands of time are never on your side 因為時間從不會為你停擺 If today was your last day 假使今天是你的最後一天 Tomorrow was too late 明天就太遲 Could you say goodbye to yesterday? 你能否跟昨日告別 Would you live each moment like your last? 是否分秒不留遺憾? Leave old pictures in the past 不再看氾黃的照片 Donate every dime you have? 捐出你所有的財產? Would you call old friends you never see? 打電話給失聯的親友? Reminisce old memories 追憶當年 Would you forgive your enemies? 你是否會原諒你的死敵? Would you find that one you’re dreamin' of? 你是否會去找心中所想的那個人? Swear up and down to God above 做出承諾 敢做敢當 That you finally fall in love 承認你終於愛上 If today was your last day 假使今天是你的最後一天
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |