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北投巴洛吉他學苑)Digitech RDS 1900空間系效果器效果器出售 歡迎詢問
2011/04/28 01:01:29瀏覽360|回應0|推薦0

數位延遲RDS 1900空間系效果器效果器出售

This is the most exciting point. Everyone who visits harmonycentral looks at the "Sound Quality" entry. My Setting: Ibanez SA160QM > Lexicon Alex Reverb > RDS 1900 > Peavy Envoy - clean channel (sometimes an behringer acoustic simulator). Little noise at high output range...but you are only disturbed if you are as sensitive as i am (because i just play clean, and i need perfect clean sound with no noise at all!) On the one hand you can get really old and nostalgic chorus sounds like the one of Led Zeppelin , you can get nice Slap Back, you can get a warm jazzy chorus and you can even get a fast tremolo (high speed, low width, flange setting , sonds like fantastic vibe). But you can't get really deep incredible flange or chorus effekts and the echo sounds very linear and not as smooth like other echo/delays i've heard. It's not good for delays or echo , and it's not good, if you want the deep "come as you are" chorus (at one point the chorus gets too diffuse, too disharmonic). But you can get great warm rhodes or swirling chorus which underlines every picking or chord. All in all: for sound of the past it's great, but it can't mess with the new modern super hyper devices - but who cares? The old sound is what i have been searching for. One you got your settings , you can't miss this device in you setup and the beatiful, decent sounding.

( 興趣嗜好電腦3C )
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