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(北投-巴洛吉他學苑) DENON DN2500F 雙CD PLAYER
2011/04/27 12:06:58瀏覽814|回應0|推薦0

DANON DN2500F雙CD PLAYER 功能強大,可即時錄製 Sampler 以及可作 Loop ,升降 Key ,模擬唱盤特效,快速CUE歸位功能。雙CD



Denon DN-2500F Dual CD Player

Control both playback speed and pitch
Turntable-style braking.

Six seconds of sample time

Calling all DJs! Denon has been listening to the requests for new features and even better performance, and of course they came through. The result of all their research and development is the DN2500F, the most powerful dual-transport CD player they've ever made, and it's loaded to the gills with hot features. In creating this DJ monster they included all the cool stuff everybody loved about the DN-2000F and DN-2700F and then took it a step further.

Powerful Key and Pitch Control

When you use the pitch control on a conventional CD player, the playback speed of the song changes along with it, but on the DN-2500F you have independent control of both playback speed and pitch. That means you can change the playback speed of songs while maintaining the original key-powerful stuff. It also includes nearly 6 seconds of sample time, and samples can be played back at any time (including during playback) regardless of whether the source disc is in the player or not. Easy A-B loop point selection lets you grab loops without interrupting music in play, and you can even edit loop endpoints later with a single button press.

Incredible Special Effects!

Denon has included some blistering special effects in the the DN-2500F's arsenal. The Brake effect sounds like an analog turntable whose Stop button is pressed during playback, and the Voice Reducer practically eliminates vocals from songs being played. There's so much more to the DN-2500F that we can't even fit it all into this space, stuff like:

Disc Discrimination
The very hip Sleep function
8-bit linear A/D/A conversion and much, much, more.

( 興趣嗜好電腦3C )
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