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2009/05/04 13:31:31瀏覽1038|回應0|推薦2 | |
作者簡介(以下資料取材自西點軍校校友通訊,據新廿二師參戰老兵陸逸回憶Van Dusen之音譯中文名為范迪生) Former Academy professor of military science and tactics Lt. Col. Roy R. "Van" Van Dusen Jr. W' 30, ' 36 (Co. C) died March 15, 2008, at the Albuquerque Veterans Administration Hospital following a short illness. Mr. Van Dusen was graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Arts degree and had a Bachelor of Science and electrical engineering degrees from the University of Maryland, as well as associate degrees from Catonsville Community College and Howard Community College in Maryland. In 1997, Canterbury University conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Asian Studies. Mr. Van Dusen served in World War II with the Chinese Army in Burma and received a Bronze Star, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, and the Purple Heart. Later, he commanded the 13th Armored Infantry Battalion in Germany, served at the Pentagon, and as a Far East Specialist on China. He was a member of the CMA faculty/staff in 1960-63 as a professor of military science and retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1970. He then worked for Digital Equipment Corp in various sales capacities, including Far East Sales manager in Hong Kong, until his retirement in 1983. In Albuquerque he taught computer classes at the Bear Canyon Senior Center and at the Montebello retirement community, where he also developed a jazz and opera music program. Mr. Van Dusen was interred at Arlington National Cemetery, where his wife, Bee, and son, Roy III' 63, are buried. 地名 Burma (緬甸) Dinjan(丁江) Assam(阿薩姆) Taro(大洛) Ramgarh(蘭伽) Ledo(雷多) Tagap Shingbwiyang(新平洋) Tara Ga Hpachet Hi Hangsaw Pass Myitkyina(密支那) Patzi Hka(百賊河) Chindwin River (大奈河) Lankin(倫京) Yawnbang Ga 人名 Maj Gen Joseph W. Stilwell (史迪威中將) Maj Gen Liao Yao-Shiang(廖耀湘中將) Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek(蔣介石大元帥) 編制 Division(師) Regiment(團) Brigades(旅) Battalion(營) Company(連) Supply Company(補給連) Antitank Company(戰防砲連) Regiment Headquarters Company(團部連) Medical Company(衛生連) rifle companies(步兵連) machine gun company(機槍連) antitank platoon(戰防槍排) 81mm mortar platoon(81迫擊砲排) platoon(排) squad(班) artillery(砲兵) 裝備 37mm AT guns(37戰防砲) khaki uniforms(卡其服) British helmet(英式鋼盔) Ammunition(彈藥) 75mm pack howitzers(75山砲) 術語 Chinese Expeditionary Force(中華民國遠征軍) Liaison officers(聯絡官) the remnants (殘部) monsoon(雨季) the combined Chiefs of Staff(聯合參謀本部) bogged down (受困) right flank(右翼) esprit-de-corps (同仇敵愾之團隊精神) relieve(解圍) enlisted men(徵召兵) privates(二等兵) Kachin(卡欽族) 15R、20R、30R(皆軍事目標) annihilate(殲滅) envelopment(包圍) ambush(伏擊) drop-field(空投場) forward observers(砲兵前進觀測員) encircling(迂迴) charging(衝鋒) LESSONS(經驗與教訓)
( 時事評論|國防軍事 ) |