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網購精油與氫氧化鈉 Essential Depot
2013/11/07 01:26:41瀏覽523|回應0|推薦1


這兩天看到二女兒的呼吸道又開始敏感起來, 需要再使用殺塵蟎噴霧劑

殺塵蟎噴霧劑裡的主原料之一 ,藍膠尤加利精油已經見底, 加上製造固體肥皂的氫氧化鈉只剩一瓶, 只好再上網購買了  經過網上一番價格跟運費的比較, 還是 essential depot勝出 1/18/12因為一瓶檸檬精油包裝不良, 未開封只剩半瓶, 該公司應允在下次訂購時, 會附上一瓶免費的檸檬精油  因為1/18/12上個單子跟今天的單子已經相隔近兩年了,  只好再度使用線上客戶服務先確認過  英文怎麼說都是外國話, 雖說用中文溝通我也是會一下子到不了重點  所幸我之前在奇摩有留下紀錄, 比較不會口說無憑  以下先是今天的紀錄  之後是奇摩格裡的紀錄

Customer Service 29:11:46 AM

My name is Robert.
May I assist you today?
Ticket S36819-T2403 is created. The chat transcript will be attached to this ticket after the transcript is saved by system.
A.H9:11:56 AM
Hello Robert.
9:12:06 AM
I am trying to place an order.
9:12:21 AM
I used to order from essential deot.
Customer Service 29:12:28 AM
Yes. Are you having trouble?
A.H 9:13:41 AM
I had a free Lemon EO due to half empty bottle when received. I like to add this to my order today. (chat record showed 1/18/12)
Customer Service 29:14:21 AM
I am not able to see chat records from January 18th 2012.
A.H9:14:50 AM
I had put the record in my blog. I can show you that,
Customer Service 29:14:50 AM
If an empty bottle was received, a refund should have been issued. May I have your order # so I can check documentation from this order.
9:15:03 AM
Please provide your order#.
9:15:26 AM
If you are placing a new order you will just need to reply to your email confirmation so this Lemon EO can be added per your chat.
9:15:40 AM
The processing team will have access to adding this and check prior history.
9:16:35 AM
My order # from 1/4/2012 is 38516
Customer Service 29:17:10 AM
Thank you for this information. Please provide this in the email confirmation you receive when you place new order. It will be added to the new order.
A.H9:17:39 AM
I don't understand the email part.
Customer Service 29:18:20 AM
When you place a new order, you will receive confirmation. You must "reply" and provide this information in the email. It will then be added to your new order because your new order details will be provided.
A.H9:18:20 AM
I am currently have a shopping cart setup without singing in.
Customer Service 29:18:43 AM
I understand that. This is the confirmation I am speaking about.
9:18:53 AM
Once you checkout you will receive confirmation of the order via email.
9:19:06 AM
I am not able to add anything to an order that has not yet been placed.
A.H9:20:07 AM
So I just place a order with Lemon EO then you will decuct the price of the LemonEO? Is that so?
Customer Service 29:20:19 AM
That is not what I was referring to. But if this is easier for you to do. Then yes. Please order the Lemon Oil and reply to your email confirmation so that it can be deducted.
9:20:59 AM
Originally, I was saying that when you place the order and reply to your email confirmation referring to this and the prior chat.. the processing team will add the Lemon Essential Oil to your order with no charge before the order is processed to ship.
9:21:08 AM
I want to make sure that we add the order before it ships.
A.H9:22:38 AM
Ok, I will just place an order with the items I plan to buy. When I receive the confirmation email then I reply email with the free lemon EO in chat reference.
Customer Service 29:22:43 AM
You've got it! :)
A.H9:23:00 AM
Thank you. Bye.
Customer Service 29:24:16 AM
You are welcome.
9:24:18 AM
Take care.
Operator Customer Service 2 has left the chat.
The chat is ended.
Rating submitted successfully. Thanks for your support.
2012/01/19 最近到 Essential Depot 買了手皂材料,  對該家的運送包裝的專業程度印象深刻。  只是收貨時 一打開就聞到很濃的味道。 仔細檢查, 只有檸檬精油短缺( 見圖)  打了電話也沒回音。 忙了幾天差點忘了這件事。  還要寫 email 反應吧!?   或者下次不要跟它買精油跟香精?

↑  左一未開封的香茅精油( 全満)。  中間兩瓶是未開封的檸檬精油。 右一是檀香香精( 打開使用掉一些了)。

Updates : This was the chat record of my live chat with Essential Depot:
Customer Service

Hello. My name is Kim. How may I assist you today?


I had contacted essential depot for my received order . No one responced

my order was 38516

Customer Service16:43:38
One moment please and I will look up your order.

the lemon essential oil was short.

you can see the photo from my Chinese blog.

Customer Service16:44:27
I have located your order.

So, the Lemon Essential Oil was short.

Short means the bottle was not very full. Yes

Customer Service16:44:46
Would you like a partial refund?

How about 50%?

Yes. But can I hold the credit until next order if I want some more essential oil.

Customer Service16:45:59
Sure, on your next order I can have another bottle of Lemon Essential Oil included at no extra charge to you to replace what you missed.

But you will need to maintain this transcript and contact me to do that immediately after you place that order.

Wonderful. How do I maintain this transcript?

Customer Service16:46:55
Let's make it easier.

Refer to your order #38516 and I will make a note on it.

One moment please while I make that note.

OK. I have noted your account.

that means that when you place your order, contact me.

Either log into Live Chat (My name is Kim) or if you are not successful there then call 1.866.840.2495 (ext 0).

Just want to be sure-- Did I establish a account with essential depot?

Customer Service16:49:37
If you are not successful there, then either send an e-mail to service@essentialdepot.com or call the owner (Derek) directly on his cell 863.258.1125.

Yes, you did establish an account.

But the record is particular to a problem with your recent o4rder.

Just make sure you have someone look at the note attached to the order #38516.

The adjustment will be made to that new order.

So next time when I order I need to mentioned the order 38516.

Customer Service16:51:06
You can even respond back to the confirmation e-mail reminding us to look at the notes for your order #38516.

All right. I will try that. Thank you Kim.

Customer Service16:51:50
May I assist you with anything else today?

No thank you. Have a nice day.

Customer Service16:52:17
You have a nice day as well.


Operator Customer Service has left the chat.

The chat is ended.

真的是專業啊  Very professional.

( 休閒生活其他 )
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