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2011/05/14 我找到幾篇有關中文翻譯童書的書籍討論。  節錄書單如下:



  1. 《海堤》, 《When the Dikes Broke》, by Alta Halverson Seymour,
  2. 《魔衣櫥》﹐The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe,
        by C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia

    1. 《The Lion, the witch, and the Wardrobe》魔衣櫥
    2. 《Prince Caspian》卡士比安王子
    3. 《The Voyage of the Dawn Treader》晨曦號探險記
    4. 《The Silver Chair》銀椅
    5. 《The Horse and His Boy》馬與少年
    6. 《The Magician's Nephew》魔法師的外甥
    7. 《The Last Battle》最後之戰
  3. 《黑鳥湖》, 《The Witch of Blackbird Pond》, by Elizabeth George Speare, 1959 Newbery Medal (紐伯瑞金牌獎)
  4. 《嬰兒島》,by Carol Ryrie Brink《Baby Island》, Helen Sewell (Illustrator)
  5. 《Caddie Woodlawn》, 1936 Newbury Medal---紅髮少女 / 智茂文化, 1993

  6. 《柳景盤》, 《Blue Willow》, by Doris Gates, 1941 Newbury Honor
  7. 《萬能車》, 《Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: The Magical Car》, by Ian Fleming, John Burningham (Illustrator)
  8. 《販奴船》, 《The Slave Dancer》, by Paula Fox﹐ 1974 Newbury Medal
  9. 《藍海豚島》, 《Island of the Blue Dolphins》, by Scott O'Dell, 1961 Newbury Medal (紐伯瑞金牌獎) ----藍色海豚島 / 智茂, 1994
  10. 《保姆包萍》,
        by P. L. Travers

    1. 《Mary Poppins》
    2. 《Mary Poppins Comes Back》
    3. 《Mary Poppins Opens the Door》
    4. 《Mary Poppins In the Park》
  11. 《爺爺與我》﹐by Robert Chester Ruark,
    1. 《The Old man and the boy》
    2. 《The Old Man's Boy Grows Older》
  12. 《駿馬黑金》﹐《Black Gold》, by Marguerite Henry
  13. 《小馬暴風雨》, 《Stormy, Misty's Foal》, by Marguerite Henry
    《King of the Wind》, 1949 Newbury Medal
  14. 《丁香花下》, 《Under the Lilacs》, by Louisa May Alcott, Jane Dyer (Illustrator)); 《小婦人》的作者。
  15. 《叢林歷險記》, 《Bush Holiday》, by Stephen Fennimore, Illustrated by Ninon MacKnight, 
  16. 《海盜黑鬍子》, 《Blackbeard's Ghost》, by Ben Stahl, 
  17. 《大海的孩子》, 《Call it Courage》, by Armstrong Sperry﹐ 1941 Newbury Medal
  18. 《鬧鬼的夏天》, 《Ghost of Summer》, by Eve Bunting﹐ 
  19. 《天鵝的喇叭》,by E. B. White
    1. 《The Trumpet of The Swan》, Fred Marcellino (Illustrator)
    2. 《Stuart Little》, Garth Williams (Illustrator)
    3. 《Charlotte's Web》, Garth Williams (Illustrator), 1953 Newbury Honor
      ----《夏綠蒂的網》 / 正中書局, 1978
      ----《夏綠蒂的網》 / 敦煌書局, 1997
  20. 《秘密的花園》, 《The Secret Garden》 by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Tasha Tudor (Illustrator)
  21. 《六十個父親》, 《The House of Sixty Fathers》, by Meindert DeJong, 1957 Newbury Honor ----六十個父親 / 智茂文化, 1997
  22. 《愛貓的孩子》﹐《It's Like This, Cat》, by Emily Cheney Neville﹐1964 Newbury Honor
  23. 《淘氣的科學家》,by Bertrand Brinley
    1. 《Mad Scientist's Club》, 
    2. 《New Adventure of Mad Scientists Club》
  24. 《柳林中的風聲》,《Wind in the Willows》, by Kenneth Grahame, Ernest Shepherd (Illustrator)
艾妮.布萊頓的五小冒險系列﹕Famous Five﹐ by Enid Blyton
1: Five on a Treasure Island
2: Five Go Adventuring Again
3: Five Run Away Together
4: Five Go Off to Smuggler's Top
5: Five Go Off in a Caravan
6: Five on Kirrin Island Again
7: Five Go Off to Camp
8: Five Get into Trouble
9: Five Fall into Adventure
10: The Five on a Hike Together
11: The Five Have a Wonderful Time
12: The Five Go Down to the Sea
13: Five Go to Mystery Moor
14: Five Have Plenty of Fun
15: Five on a Secret Trail
16: Five Go to Billycock Hill
17: Five Get into a Fix
18: Five on Finniston Farm
19: Five Go to Demon's Rocks
20: Five Have a Mystery to Solve
21: Five Are Together Again
22: Five Go to Smuggler's Top
23: Five Have a Puzzling Time, and Other Stories ("George's Hair is Too Long"; "Good Old Timmy!"; "Happy Christmas, Five!"; "A Lazy afternoon"; and "Well Done, Famous Five", etc)

艾妮.布萊頓冒險   (Adventure)系列
1 憂鬱島探險記 曹克蒂 譯 《The Island of Adventure》 , A book written by the author of the "Famous Five" and the "Secret Seven". For Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann and Jack, the holiday in Cornwall was everything they'd hoped for - until they began to realize that something very sinister was taking place on the Isle of Gloom.

2 古堡驚魂記 李騰 譯 《The Castle of Adventure》 Holidays again - this time in unspecified lonely, hilly countryside, in a thatched cottage near a mysterious uninhabited castle. The children explore, and once inside the castle, they discover underground passages and hidden rooms.

3 寶藏谷冒險記 霍銘儀 譯 《The Valley of Adventure》 Family friend Bill Cunningham plans a trip for the four children in his aeroplane. It's clear soon after take-off, however, that something's amiss. The plane is heading in the wrong direction and the pilots are on the trail of some treasure.

4 荒島奇遇記 葉裕凱 譯 《The Sea of Adventure》 Recovering from measles, the children head for the coast of Scotland with Bill to recuperate. Bill soon disappears from the scene, kidnapped by a couple of unknown baddies. Our four heroes are left to fend for themselves.

5 霧山迷途記 尹雲 譯 《The Mountain of Adventure》 A mad genius plot, this one, with the children staying in a Welsh farmhouse and discovering peculiar happenings up at the local mountain. Strange noises rumble from it, wolves roam the slopes and crimson smoke issues from the top.

6 怒河歷險記 葉裕凱 譯 《The River of Adventure》 In a middle-eastern state not far from the border with Syria, Bill takes his wife and children on a river trip, the family holiday acting as cover for his undercover surveillance operation on a suspicious character - Raya Uma.

7 馬戲團流浪記 薛純 譯 《The Circus of Adventure》 In an adventure involving political intrigue and succession to a foreign throne, Jack finds himself on his own, living with a travelling circus in the country of Tauri-Hessia, trying to rescue the other three and the young Prince of Hessia from their captors.

8 《The Ship of Adventure》 The four children are on an Aegean cruise ship "The Viking Star", all set for an uneventful holiday among the Greek islands. The purchase of a ship in a bottle, containing an ancient treasure map, changes all that and leads to a race to find a treasure island.

9 《The Woods of Adventure》 Brother and sister teams Philip and Dinah Mannering, and Lucy-Ann and Jack Trent join together to foil dangerous criminals in this adventure story.

胖子國與長腿國.: Fattypuffs and Thinifers by Andre Maurois.

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找得到原文( 英文) 給小朋友讀, 挺好的。  這些都是雋永的著作哦。有些英文書還得上澳洲才買得到  .

Taiwan版 vs  USA版。  My daughter loves this serial. 新書是沒有外衣的(dust jacket) 布面的表面貼著一個尼可拉的浮貼。 My local library also has them

七年前Amazon.com 半價時 買的,  還免運費哦 !!

( 在地生活北美 )
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