↑ 用 Catherine Failor 在家自製手工液體皂 的超滋潤洗手皂配方再換算成公克的單位。 攪皂累的得我都快冒煙了, 就是不成功。 也許是因為當時我的身體不舒服, 攪拌不力, 也是原因之一。 所幸強鹼的皂糊, 洗衣服超乾淨。 只是浪費太多的力氣, 枉費我計算了半天 , 真洩氣。(3/31/11-4/4/11)
Unsuccessful high foaming cold cream liquid soap based on Catherine Failor's P52 recipe. Coconut oil 1170g, Castor 468g, Beef Tallow 117g, KOH 418g , water 1240g, couldn't get it to gel stage after four days using cold process method. (3/31/11-4/4/11) . The failure might be not enough mixing. I was ill during these days.
↑ Ph 值 強鹼13 ‥‥ 證明我的試紙是正確的。 絕大部份的皂, 經我的測試, Ph 都在8-9。
I always wonder if the test paper really works. This is a proof. The fail high foaming cold cream liquid soap is very alkalis. I used this fail soap batch to do laundry with citric acid, and it still cleaned wonderfully. Not a total loss.