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2014/10/25 01:38:59瀏覽344|回應0|推薦6 | |
昨天重新歸納書房時找到我國小國中的畢業紀念冊, 把曾經告訴過老大屬於我的一些成長記憶配上了圖片。
我童年時無重大志向, 連做媽媽的夢也沒有 。 帶孩子中雖也享受到孩子的可愛, 但是更多時間被體力不濟跟擔心自己照顧不好孩子的心境給拖累, 總覺得她沒這麼特別。 想不到我的大女兒出落得越來越出色, 心理平衡, 願意獨立 。
這周她高中的化學課出了個加分作業, 她手縫了 一隻鼴鼠, 原本揹著一個綠色龜殼袋子, 卻在團展時忘了帶龜殼袋去, 被朋友說她的是標準的鼴鼠 (original mole = origimole/ nomal=normole) 。 回家後跟我轉述了課堂上同學們鼴鼠的不同配件, 命名充滿幽默 ,下面就是她的描寫 : ( mole即是化學的莫耳數)
For all people who know chemistry:
Avogadro's number: 6.02x(10^23) particles in 1 mole Students were apparently supposed to hand-make stuffed moles based on mole puns. For instance, my friend made a mole in the likeness of Marilyn Monroe, calling it "Marilyn Moleroe." When I showed up to school with my natural-looking mole (shown above), I was a little sad that everyone else's mole looked nicer than mine. For instance, here are some of the ones that I thought was super creative: "The Little Molemaid" (The Little Mermaid), "The Moleti Moleionare" (The Multi Millionare), "Molelof" (Olaf from Frozen), "Elmole" (Elmo -- this by far was one of the best, next to "Emola." The person who made this one apparently cut an actual Elmo head from an Elmo doll, and stuck it on the mole body! My chemistry teacher said it looked like an Elmo larva),"Molasses" (I'm not going to elaborate on this one), and most importantly, "Emola" (Ebola -- I heard it was even in a little plastic box labeled "Biohazard").
But later that day, I heard that people gave my mole a mole pun: "The Origimole" (The original) or "The Normole" (The normal). At the time I was like, "Yeah! I totally had that in mind when I was making this thing!" I guess I was the only one who made a normal-looking mole . Golly I love the people who came up with those mole puns for me. Other honorable mentions: "Formole" (Formal), "Lawnmoler" (Lawnmower), "Watermolon" (Watermelon),"Molar" (as in molar teeth), "Molecaroni and Cheese" (Macaroni and Cheese) and "Spidermole" (Spiderman).
我最喜歡 Emola的創意 那同學把鼴鼠 放在一個透明塑膠方盒中, 上面還標明bio hazard, 指明起想於伊波拉病毒 。 |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |