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別在股市上陷得過深(Yesterday's Market Lesson: Maybe You're Overstocked)
2007/03/02 14:59:00瀏覽980|回應1|推薦16









投資顧問威廉•伯恩斯坦(William Bernstein)說﹐投資時不能只考慮回報﹐還要注意控制風險。如果你已經贏得了比賽﹐繼續玩下去還有什麼意義﹖








Why risk it?

Investors piled into stocks in late 2006 and early 2007, only to see the market weaken over the past week, including yesterday's 416-point dive by the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Bad timing? Nobody knows how the market will fare in the year ahead, and some sort of bounceback today wouldn't be a big surprise.

But this much is clear: Many investors have more in stocks than they really need -- and that extra risk could come back to haunt them.

-- Getting ahead. To understand what's at issue, imagine it is the beginning of 2006 and you have $300,000 in retirement savings.

That money is split between 70% stocks and 30% bonds. You figure your stocks will return 8% a year over the long haul and your bonds might clock 5%. Meanwhile, over the next 12 months, you're aiming to sock away 12% of your $80,000 salary, or $9,600.

If you got what you expected, you would have had some $331,000 at year-end 2006. But as it turns out, while your bonds eked out 4% last year, your stocks leapt 16%, so you finished the year with more than $347,000. Result: You're over $16,000 ahead of where you expected to be.

The standard advice is that you should rebalance back to your 70% stock-30% bond mix, and I think that's a fine strategy. What if you're tempted to leave your stocks to run?

My contention: If you're going to start fooling around with your asset allocation, you should reduce your stocks below 70%, not overweight them. After all, you are now closer to your retirement goal than you expected -- which suggests you don't need to take so much risk to accumulate your desired nest egg.

'Investing is never just about return,' says William Bernstein, an investment adviser in North Bend, Ore. 'It's also about controlling risk. If you've already won the game, what sense does it make to go on playing?'

-- Growing cautious. I can already hear the objections. If stocks usually beat bonds, why not own more? If you're ahead of schedule with your retirement savings, why not save less or retire earlier?

It could be that you'll do just fine with such strategies. But a little caution is probably in order. The fact is, the stock market doesn't generate returns in a vacuum. Instead, share-price appreciation is driven by economic growth and the resulting rise in corporate earnings.

True, over the short term, stock prices can race ahead of the economy. Maybe exuberant investors will bid up the stock market's price/earnings multiple. Maybe corporate profits will, for a year or two, grow faster than the economy.

But over the long haul, share-price gains will mirror economic growth. During the past 50 years, for instance, the Standard & Poor's 500-index has notched an average annual share-price gain of 7.1%, right in line with the 7.1% annual increase in gross domestic product. Tack on dividends, and you get a total return of 10.6%. The bottom line: We can't get outsized stock returns every year -- and periods of heady gains will inevitably be followed by stretches of modest performance.

-- Crying uncle. If you are more than 10 or 15 years from retirement, I wouldn't fret too much over the market's recent performance, including yesterday's big decline. Instead, stick with your stock allocation and continue socking away money like crazy.

But those already retired or close to quitting the work force should think carefully about how much money they need for retirement -- and whether they need to take so much risk, especially after the stellar gains of recent years. To see if you have enough money to carry you through a long retirement, try the two online calculators listed in the accompanying chart.

Even if you have plenty of money for retirement, you should probably continue holding at least 30% or 35% in stocks as part of a diversified portfolio. And arguably, you might go somewhat higher -- for the sake of your heirs. 'There comes a point when you have more than enough money and you take risk not for yourself, but for your beneficiaries,' Mr. Bernstein says.

Jonathan Clements

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2007/03/03 17:12





