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【禁聞】記者陳寶成免起訴 律師:民間營救結果【新唐人電視台_中國禁聞】
2014/08/26 12:58:31瀏覽349|回應0|推薦0


新唐人電視台簡介 中國禁聞 YouTube 新唐人頻道
部落谷 東方飛羽 5湖4海 任我翱翔 博客群
【禁聞】記者陳寶成免起訴 律師:民間營救結果 飛劍飛龍 MP4 自由門手機版 【禁聞】東八塊再起風波 巡視組與江系惡鬥? 東方飛羽 MP4 自由門 【禁聞】中國版「冰桶挑戰」 籲釋放良心犯 5湖4海 MP4 無界 【禁聞】老虎反撲?專家:反腐勿忘重點 任我翱翔 MP4 愛博電視
【禁聞】當局故伎重演 以女色構陷胡佳 繽紛水世界 MP4 自由門手機版 【禁聞】國企貪腐頻發 習近平發話整改 紅粉佳人 MP4 自由門 【禁聞】山西官場大地震 窩案背後盤根錯節 小豆娘 MP4 無界【禁聞】獨立影展被禁 百人簽法律呼籲書 北京天空 MP4 愛博電視

影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com
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記者編輯/李韻 後制/陳建銘

Reporter Chen Baocheng!s Freedom A Result Of Joint Efforts By Lawyers and Citizens

Chinese mainland Caixin correspondent Chen Baocheng
was once again detained with seven other villagers
on suspicion of false imprisonment.

He defended household rights during demolition processes
in Pingdu city Shandong province, last year.
Recently, Chen Baocheng!s case attracted public attention
because the prosecution decided not to pursue charges.

On Aug. 25, mainland media reported that last Aug. 10,
reporter Chen Baocheng was detained with seven other
villagers on suspicion of holding an excavator against his
will during a demolition process in his hometown of Pingdu.
Chen Baocheng has since been held in Pingdu detention
Pingdu Procuratorate extended its review time
for the indictment three times in more than a year.

On May 12, the Qingdao Procuratorate specified that North
Procuratorate would review the Chen Baocheng case;
The prosecution once again extended the review time
until June 25, when Chen Baocheng was released on bail.
His wife revealed that he has returned to work.

On Aug. 23 the prosecutor decided that Chen Baocheng
and the seven others would not be prosecuted.
Their minor crimes have been forgiven by the victims.
According to related regulations, they won!t be punished.

Shandong lawyer Liu Weiguo asserted that Chen Baocheng
is not guilty;
The guilty are those who performed the illegal demolition.

Chen!s release is the result of the hard work
by many citizens and lawyers.

Shandong lawyer Liu Weiguo: There are seven or eight
lawyers from Shandong.
Such vicious demolitions, which violate citizen!s property
rights, are very serious in China.
Before Chen Baocheng was arrested, he contacted
police, who were unresponsive.
I won!t exclude the possibility that someone
deliberately set a trap for him.

Last July, some villagers were forcibly removed
from their houses.
They were left homeless in Jingouzi, Chen Baocheng!s
parents! village.
Chen Baocheng protested the demolitions along
with villagers after he returned home.

During the protest, he physically resisted the excavator
and was beaten.

On the morning Aug. 10, Chen Baocheng posted on his
microblog that Jingouzi villagers held an excavator
on Aug. 9.

He said the detained driver was suspected
of destroying private property on July 4.
He disclosed that the excavator resumed digging
in the afternoon.
Villagers blocked him by spraying gasoline at him.

Chen called the police several times,
but they did not respond.

The following day, Pingdu security station detained
seven people including Chen Baocheng, Chen Shuxun,
Chen Lili and Pan Xuee on suspicion of false imprisonment.

A group of 14 lawyers including Shandong
and national lawyers formed a team after their arrest.
Chen Baocheng!s lawyer Li Huiqing told foreign media
that Chen stated the driver was held at the start
of the incident, but voluntarily remained at the scene
Villagers did not abuse him.

Last Sept. 13, Chen Baocheng was formally arrested.

At that time, Chinese legal experts supported him.
According to reports, over 100 people including reporters
and lawyers rushed to Pingdu in solidarity.

Attorney Chi Susheng pointed out that Chen Baosheng
and the other villagers repeatedly attempted to report
the driver while holding him, which cannot be considered
unlawful imprisonment and does not constitute a crime.

Chi Susheng: If even a reporter can!t maintain his own rights
in China, it will be useless to report such events to the media.

On Aug. 21, Chen Baocheng issued the following post
on his microblog: From today, no longer believe that China
has the rule of law in mind and no longer believe that China
will use the law in the future.

Former Shanxi TV reporter Ma Xiaoming: Under the CCP!s
one-party dictatorship, there will be no law.
How can you tell which is more powerful,
the party or the law?
There is no law under the authoritarian system.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has committed
a long list of crimes including plundering land, demolitions,
and snatching people!s assets.

People!s grievances, tears and blood are like a river.

Ma Xiaoming said bloody demolitions have taken place
all over the country over the years.
The self-immolation, the beaten people, the fatalities
due to crushings and detention due to resistance
to demolitions are everywhere.

On March 21 another incident took place in Pingdu
of Shandong Province.
The villagers who resisted violent land acquisition
were sprayed with gas and fired upon by village officials
who were in collusion with developers, resulting in one
fatality and three injuries.
Following that, 200 riot police looted corpses late at night.
Police, armed with shields and batons, injured many villagers.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/Chen jianming

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