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【禁聞】當局故伎重演 以女色構陷胡佳 【新唐人電視台_中國禁聞】
2014/08/26 03:39:26瀏覽466|回應0|推薦0


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【禁聞】當局故伎重演 以女色構陷胡佳 霹靂乾坤 MP4 自由門手機版 【禁聞】國企貪腐頻發 習近平發話整改 飛劍飛龍 MP4 自由門 【禁聞】山西官場大地震 窩案背後盤根錯節 翻牆天堂 MP4 無界 【禁聞】獨立影展被禁 百人簽法律呼籲書 兩小無猜 MP4 愛博電視
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影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com
台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 YouTubea facebook

















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/李勇

Communist Regime Set A Honey Trap Targeting Hu Jia.

Well known human rights activist Hu Jia has been faced
with numerous disasters since July.

First, he had his nose broken from an attack by unidentified

Then he met with underworld extortion
of one million yuan.

In August, his car was splashed with red paint.

Recently, a lady of Yi ethnicity claimed to have cohabitated
with Hu Jia for more than a year and was beaten by him.

Hu Jia is now suffering from cirrhosis. Why would he
become a target of a lady?

Please follow our report.

Long Meiyi is a Yi ethnic group and a petitioner from
Guizhou Province.

She recently displayed a banner in Hu Jia′s residential area
stating that she had lived with Hu Jia for more than a year.

She said Hu had lied to her about divorcing his wife who
had moved to Hong Kong.

Long Meiyi claimed that Hu Jia beat her for 7 hours
after she exposed the story 3 months ago.

Since then, Long Meiyi has kept sending text messages
to Hu Jia.

She harassed Hu Jia that she had visited the EU embassy in
Beijing to demand the revocation of his award from the EU.

Hu Jia, I am now faced with three major problems.

One is the long-term repression by state security;

Second is the ruthless attack in July;

She is the third one. But she is now the major one in terms
of the level of lethality and damage.

Hu Jia explains that she met Long Meiyi last October.
She had sought help from Hu before intending suicide.

Under the long-term monitoring by state security, Hu Jia asks
how he could have done anything like Long has claimed.

Hu Jia, I have been under surveillance by the national
security for more than 10 years.

Since July 2, 2004, I have been monitored around the clock
24 hours a day.

Hu Jia suspects Long Meiyi′s true identity.

For instance, the regime has set up 3 warning signs around
his residence stating No Photographs.

Plainclothes police are stationed right behind the signs.
But, Long was able to take photos of him.

Also, who can take pictures freely under the tight
supervision of the regime?

How can the national security not know it if he had beaten
Long Meiyi for 7 hours?

Hu Jia indicates the regime is escalating the means to tackle

When the house arrest and prison become ineffective, and
terror and violence have failed, humiliation was used.

In particular, he called on the return to Tiananmen on June 4
and the support of universal suffrage in Hong Kong.

In fact, Hu Jia is not the only human rights activist
who was involved with a dispute with Long Meiyi.

Du Bin was once involved as well.

Du Bin was the director of a documentary, Above the Ghosts
Heads: The Women of Masanjia Labor Camp′ which exposes
the torture Falun Gong practitioners and Chinese petitioners
have been subject to in the labor camps.

Hong Kong′s Apple Daily reported that other petitioners
introduced Long Meiyi to Du Bin.

Out of sympathy, Du Bin interacted with Long. But, Long
threatened Du Bin to marry her with suicide threats.

Du Bin′s longtime girlfriend left him because of that.
Long also occupied Du Bin′s house.

An acquaintance of Long Meiyi, a Shenyang petitioner Liu
Hua exposed that Long deceived Du Bin to give her
10,000 yuan. Long shared 2,000 yuan with the police.

Long Meiyi also claimed that she adored Hu Jia even
though he does not know her.

She said that she would marry
Hu Jia or Ai Weiwei.

She has cohabitated with various people. She is not normal
and has caused harm to many activists.

Liu Hua, anyway, that′s her career, porn undercover.

She has said it herself that she has started the career as a

She went undercover to follow the Falun Gong
and reported everything to her mother.

Her mother′s job has been to catch the Falun Gong.

Qin Yongmin has been an activist against the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for 40 years.

He indicates that mafia style of the CCP would engage in
anything. Seducing is only part of it.

Qin Yongmin, under the current situation, this country has
no law, morals or conscience. Anything can be done.

24-year-old Long Meiyi has a father who was a retired
deputy mayor of Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province.

Her mother was the National Security official in Liupanshui.

In January 2009, she filed a lawsuit against Zhou Shili,
the Guizhou Province CPPCC Standing Committee.

Her parents′ official background got her much attention.
She became a petitioner due to the failure of the lawsuit.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ Song Feng Post-Production/Li Yong

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