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2014/08/26 03:39:26瀏覽466|回應0|推薦0 | |
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2014年08月25日訊】今年下半年,大陸知名維權人士胡佳可以說是「災難連連」:先是在7月遭到不明身份的暴徒襲擊,導致鼻樑骨折。之後,又被黑社會敲詐,金額飆升到1百萬。8月,他的車被人潑了紅油漆。最近又有一名彝族美女,聲稱和胡佳同居了1年多,還被胡佳毆打受傷。在身患肝硬化的胡佳周圍到底發生了甚麼?請看報導。 日前,貴州彝族美女上訪者龍美伊,到胡佳所住的BOBO自由城小區展示錦旗。聲稱胡佳在妻子曾金燕移居香港後,對她撒謊說自己已經離婚,承諾要和她結婚,和她同居了一年多。龍美伊說,她在三個月前踢爆這件事後,胡佳毆打她長達七小時。 此後,龍美伊還不停給胡佳手機發短訊騷擾,還說到歐盟駐北京大使館,要讓歐盟收回頒給他的獎項。 北京維權人士胡佳:「我現在面臨三大困擾,一個是長期被國保的壓制﹔第二是7月份遭遇悍匪的襲擊﹔第三個就是她。現在我反而覺得,對我的殺傷力、破壞性來講,她排在了第一位。」 胡佳表示,他去年10月認識龍美伊,是因為她自殺前向自己求助,因此去開導過她。而自己長期受國保監控,怎麼可能做龍美伊說的那種事。 胡佳:「我是一個10多年以來長期被國保、國安監視那種的人,無論是從技術偵查性手段的監控,還是說從2004年7月2號,在我家24小時不斷的這樣便衣的監控。」 胡佳指出,龍美伊身份顯然不一般。例如,當局在他住的小區專門立了三塊「禁止拍照」的牌子,牌子後邊就有便衣,但龍美伊居然能拍照。另外,在當局長年嚴密監控下,誰還能隨便進到他家去呢?他怎麼能毆打龍美伊7個小時,而國保卻不知道呢? 胡佳表示,這些年,當局對他的手段是逐步升級。當明的軟禁和牢獄無效,暗的恐怖和暴力也無法成功時,「污名化」的瞄準來了,特別是今年他號召「六四重回天安門」和支持香港普選。 事實上,胡佳並不是唯一與龍美伊有糾紛的維權人士。 曾拍攝轟動海內外的記錄片《小鬼頭上的女人》,揭露遼寧「馬三家女子勞教所」對法輪功學員和上訪者的酷刑,而遭到當局迫害的記錄片製片人杜斌,也曾被龍美伊糾纏。 香港《蘋果日報》說,杜斌由上訪者介紹,認識了龍美伊,因同情和她在一起。不料龍美伊後來用割脈自殺威脅,要和杜斌結婚,氣走了杜斌交往多年的女友,還佔有了他的房子。 認識龍美伊的瀋陽訪民劉華表示,龍美伊從杜斌那裏訛了1萬塊錢,2千分給了警察。之後龍美伊就公開說,崇拜她還不認識的胡佳,要嫁給胡佳或者艾未未。她一會兒與這個同居、與那個同居,不是正常人。害了很多維權人士。 瀋陽訪民劉華:「反正她的職業就是靠這一行,就是色情職業臥底。她自己講,她9歲就開始臥底,跟法輪功,完了之後跟她媽匯報,而她媽就去抓法輪功。」 和中共博弈了40多年的人權活動人士人秦永敏表示,當局現在是大規模黑社會化,沒有甚麼做不出來的事情,用美女色誘只是一部分。 中國人權活動人士秦永敏:「在當前形勢下,這個國家已經完全沒有了法律底線、沒有了道德底線,也沒有了良知底線,甚麼事情都可以做得出來。」 今年24歲的龍美伊,父親是貴州省六盤水市的退休副市長,母親是六盤水市國安官員。她曾在2009年1月控告貴州省政協常委、富豪周世立強姦,沒有得到結果後開始上訪,當時因為她父母的背景而轟動一時。 採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/李勇 Communist Regime Set A Honey Trap Targeting Hu Jia. Well known human rights activist Hu Jia has been faced with numerous disasters since July. First, he had his nose broken from an attack by unidentified persons. Then he met with underworld extortion of one million yuan. In August, his car was splashed with red paint. Recently, a lady of Yi ethnicity claimed to have cohabitated with Hu Jia for more than a year and was beaten by him. Hu Jia is now suffering from cirrhosis. Why would he become a target of a lady? Please follow our report. Long Meiyi is a Yi ethnic group and a petitioner from Guizhou Province. She recently displayed a banner in Hu Jia′s residential area stating that she had lived with Hu Jia for more than a year. She said Hu had lied to her about divorcing his wife who had moved to Hong Kong. Long Meiyi claimed that Hu Jia beat her for 7 hours after she exposed the story 3 months ago. Since then, Long Meiyi has kept sending text messages to Hu Jia. She harassed Hu Jia that she had visited the EU embassy in Beijing to demand the revocation of his award from the EU. Hu Jia, I am now faced with three major problems. One is the long-term repression by state security; Second is the ruthless attack in July; She is the third one. But she is now the major one in terms of the level of lethality and damage. Hu Jia explains that she met Long Meiyi last October. She had sought help from Hu before intending suicide. Under the long-term monitoring by state security, Hu Jia asks how he could have done anything like Long has claimed. Hu Jia, I have been under surveillance by the national security for more than 10 years. Since July 2, 2004, I have been monitored around the clock 24 hours a day. Hu Jia suspects Long Meiyi′s true identity. For instance, the regime has set up 3 warning signs around his residence stating No Photographs. Plainclothes police are stationed right behind the signs. But, Long was able to take photos of him. Also, who can take pictures freely under the tight supervision of the regime? How can the national security not know it if he had beaten Long Meiyi for 7 hours? Hu Jia indicates the regime is escalating the means to tackle him. When the house arrest and prison become ineffective, and terror and violence have failed, humiliation was used. In particular, he called on the return to Tiananmen on June 4 and the support of universal suffrage in Hong Kong. In fact, Hu Jia is not the only human rights activist who was involved with a dispute with Long Meiyi. Du Bin was once involved as well. Du Bin was the director of a documentary, Above the Ghosts Heads: The Women of Masanjia Labor Camp′ which exposes the torture Falun Gong practitioners and Chinese petitioners have been subject to in the labor camps. Hong Kong′s Apple Daily reported that other petitioners introduced Long Meiyi to Du Bin. Out of sympathy, Du Bin interacted with Long. But, Long threatened Du Bin to marry her with suicide threats. Du Bin′s longtime girlfriend left him because of that. Long also occupied Du Bin′s house. An acquaintance of Long Meiyi, a Shenyang petitioner Liu Hua exposed that Long deceived Du Bin to give her 10,000 yuan. Long shared 2,000 yuan with the police. Long Meiyi also claimed that she adored Hu Jia even though he does not know her. She said that she would marry Hu Jia or Ai Weiwei. She has cohabitated with various people. She is not normal and has caused harm to many activists. Liu Hua, anyway, that′s her career, porn undercover. She has said it herself that she has started the career as a 9-year-old. She went undercover to follow the Falun Gong and reported everything to her mother. Her mother′s job has been to catch the Falun Gong. Qin Yongmin has been an activist against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for 40 years. He indicates that mafia style of the CCP would engage in anything. Seducing is only part of it. Qin Yongmin, under the current situation, this country has no law, morals or conscience. Anything can be done. 24-year-old Long Meiyi has a father who was a retired deputy mayor of Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province. Her mother was the National Security official in Liupanshui. In January 2009, she filed a lawsuit against Zhou Shili, the Guizhou Province CPPCC Standing Committee. Her parents′ official background got her much attention. She became a petitioner due to the failure of the lawsuit. 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