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【禁聞】山西雷霆打虎 劍指曾慶紅?【新唐人電視台_中國禁聞】
2014/08/26 13:10:57瀏覽309|回應0|推薦0


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採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/週天

Shanxi Officialdom Quake Targets Zeng Qinghong?

After former Politburo Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang
was sacked, anti-graft is shifting towards the local.
Two provincial officials and one municipal official of Shanxi
Province were recently sacked, and succeeded by central officials.
Analysts believe the Shanxi officialdom quake suggests
former Vice President Zeng Qinghong and leader Jiang Zemin
are the next tigers.

On Aug. 23, The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
(CCDI) announced Shanxi Provincial Committee members
Chen Chuanping and Nie Chunyu were investigated for
alleged serious violation of discipline.

The next day, Taiyuan Municipal Standing Committee
announced the removal of Taiyuan municipal party secretary
of Public Security Bureau, Liu Suiji.

He will be replaced by Wang Fan, Deputy Secretary
of the Administration Department of Public Security.
Some media pointed out this airborne arrangement of local
public security bureau director from central is quite rare.

Commentator Li Shanjian: The airborne from central suggests
two clear messages.
First, the central does not trust the public security system
in Taiyuan, Shanxi.
Second, this airborne is carried with a special mission.
This position is a breakthrough.
It!s meant to further collect issues in the officialdom
of Shanxi Province and Taiyuan City.

Former Chinese Military Academy Press director Xin Ziling:
This airborne cadre is probably going to be a norm.
The purpose is to break up all kinds of interest groups.

Without sending in a cadre, it!s very difficult
to identify the real situation.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po believes many more officials
in Shanxi will be airborne.

Hua Po: There will be many airborne, for instance,
Committee Secretary and Minister of the Organization.
The bureaucrats always shield each other.

Xi Jinping will surely deliver some fresh blood to Shanxi
officialdom, and continue to weigh down on the local school
of Shanxi officials.

Since the 18th National Congress, 6 Shanxi provincial officials
have been sacked.

Why is Shanxi the first province to be hit? CCP mouthpiece
Xinhua published an article on the 24th explaining:
First, the numerous coal bosses in Shanxi have made Shanxi
prone to corruption;
Second, Shanxi discipline inspection system itself harbors
many corrupt officials, and its impact is immeasurable.
Third, Shanxi has always been in close contact with the Central.

Its bureaucratic background has been a concern for the fact
that despite frequent accidents,
Shanxi officialdom has remained untouched.

Hua Po believes Xi Jinping is conducting major cleaning
of Shanxi regional warlords in the name of anti-corruption.

Hua Po: Xi Jinping has said it recently that the anti-corruption
will hit everyone.
Shanxi is cleaned as revenge. Also, Shanxi governor
Li Xiaopeng came from a foreign province.
He intends to clean and suppress local power.

Li Xiaopeng is probably working particularly hard for
Xi Jinping in the anti-corruption.
He could be the one who detonated a large earthquake
in Shanxi officialdom.

The tiger hitting action against Shanxi reveals the relationship
between the sacked officials and the Jiang faction.

When former Standing Committee of Shanxi, Jin Daoming,
was investigated in February, he was reported to be involved
in Ding Xuefeng buying his official title from Zhou Bin,
the son of Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou Yongkang』s wife, Jia Xiaoye, and former Vice Minister
of Public Security, Li Dongsheng, were also involved
in Ding Xuefeng』s case of buying his official position.

On April 12, CCDI investigated Shen Weichen for his corrupt
deeds during his post in Shanxi. Shen Weichen was suspected
of involvement in cases of Zhou Yongkang and Li Dongsheng.

He also was closely related to Zeng Qinghong』s brother.

May 29, former vice mayor of Shanxi Luliang City,
Zhang Zhongsheng, was investigated.
He was also in charge of mergers and acquisitions of coal
mining enterprises.
He was very close to Song Lin, former chairman of China
Resources Group.
Song Lin was a confidant of Zeng Qinghong,
and alleged to be involved in Song Lin』s case.

Li Shanjian: Song Lin had a very close personal interest in the
coal mines throughout Shanxi.
Song Lin is an intimate follower of Zeng Qinghong.

After the arrest of Song Lin, going into Shanxi officialdom
is to further collect evidence of corruption or other wrongdoing
of Zeng Qinghong.

Li Shanjian notes that CCP action against tigers in Shanxi
suggests the targets have been pointing directly at Jiang Zemin!s
advisor, Zeng Qinghong, and Jiang Zemin himself.

Interview/Zhu Zisan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Zhou Tian

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