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2014/08/26 13:10:57瀏覽344|回應0|推薦0 | ||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2014年08月26日訊】前政治局常委周永康被立案審查後,中共當局的反腐態勢似乎正從中央向地方推進。日前,山西兩位省級常委被查,太原市公安局局長也被免去職務,由中央官員接任。分析指出,山西官場的大地震說明,打虎目標已直接指向中共前國家副主席曾慶紅和前黨魁江澤民。 23號中午,中共中紀委通報,山西省委常委、太原市委書記陳川平,和山西省委常委、省委秘書長聶春玉涉嫌嚴重違紀違法,正接受組織調查。 第二天中午,太原市委召開常委會議,宣佈太原市委常委、政法委書記、太原市公安局長柳遂記被免去職務,由公安部治安管理局副局長汪凡接任。有媒體指出,市級公安局長由中央「空降」,比較罕見。 旅美中國問題評論員李善鑒:「從中央空降,有兩個比較明確的問題,第一,顯然中央認為山西省太原市的整個公安系統,沒有人可以相信,另外,空降也可能帶有一個特殊使命,可能以這個位置為突破口,他要進一步去蒐集整個山西省和太原市的官場的其他的問題。」 原《中國軍事學院出版社》社長辛子陵:「『空降幹部』恐怕以後會是個常見的現象,因為現在就是要打破各種各樣的利益集團,你不進去幹部,老實講,你很難見到真實情況。」 北京時政觀察人士華頗指出,不光是太原市公安局長,山西很多官員可能也將被「空降」。 北京時政觀察人士華頗:「比如說記委書記、組織部長,肯定還會繼續空降的,他們是官官相護,肯定習近平會給山西官場輸送一些新鮮的血液,會繼續打壓山西本土派的官員。」 據瞭解,中共十八大後,山西已有6名現任或原任省部級官員落馬。 那麼,山西為何成為當局「打虎第一省」?中共《新華網》論壇24號發表署名博客文章指出:第一,山西煤老闆眾多,腐敗的機會恐怕更多,第二,山西紀檢系統官員自身腐敗,其影響不可估量。第三,山西向來與中央聯繫緊密,儘管安全事故頻發,但依然不了了之,其後臺值得關注。 華頗指出,習近平以反腐的名義,對山西地方實力派進行大清洗。 華頗:「習近平最近說,要反腐,大家一塊反腐,所以就反到山西,就是你掐我脖子,我砍你的腳,這是其一,其二呢,山西省的省長李小鵬是個外來戶,他想對山西本省內的地方實力派進行清洗打壓,習近平反腐,可能是李小鵬格外賣力,他引爆山西官場的大地震。」 在對山西的打虎行動中,落馬官員和江系勢力千絲萬縷的關係也被揭示出來。 今年2月,山西省人大常委會原副主任金道銘被調查。報導說,金道銘涉兩年前周永康之子周濱主導的,前呂梁市市長丁雪峰買官案。也有消息說,周永康的妻子賈曉燁,公安部原副部長李東生,都涉及丁雪峰買官案。 4月12號,中宣部原副部長申維辰,由於任職山西期間的腐敗行為,被中紀委通報調查。申維辰疑捲入周永康、李東生案,並與曾慶紅胞弟關係密切。 5月29號,山西呂梁市原副市長張中生被調查。張中生曾分管呂梁市煤礦企業兼併重組整合等工作,與原華潤集團董事長、曾慶紅的心腹宋林關係密切,或涉宋林案。 李善鑒:「0237整個山西,特別是它這個煤礦,宋林其實是有很密切的利益關係,宋林又是曾慶紅的一個親密的手下,把宋林抓起來,再去動山西的官場,就是進一步在蒐集曾慶紅的一些腐敗或其他不法行為的證據。」 旅美中國問題評論員李善鑒指出,中共當局針對山西的打虎行動,目標已直接指向江澤民的軍師曾慶紅和江本人。 採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/週天 Shanxi Officialdom Quake Targets Zeng Qinghong? After former Politburo Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang was sacked, anti-graft is shifting towards the local. Two provincial officials and one municipal official of Shanxi Province were recently sacked, and succeeded by central officials. Analysts believe the Shanxi officialdom quake suggests former Vice President Zeng Qinghong and leader Jiang Zemin are the next tigers. On Aug. 23, The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) announced Shanxi Provincial Committee members Chen Chuanping and Nie Chunyu were investigated for alleged serious violation of discipline. The next day, Taiyuan Municipal Standing Committee announced the removal of Taiyuan municipal party secretary of Public Security Bureau, Liu Suiji. He will be replaced by Wang Fan, Deputy Secretary of the Administration Department of Public Security. Some media pointed out this airborne arrangement of local public security bureau director from central is quite rare. Commentator Li Shanjian: The airborne from central suggests two clear messages. First, the central does not trust the public security system in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Second, this airborne is carried with a special mission. This position is a breakthrough. It!s meant to further collect issues in the officialdom of Shanxi Province and Taiyuan City. Former Chinese Military Academy Press director Xin Ziling: This airborne cadre is probably going to be a norm. The purpose is to break up all kinds of interest groups. Without sending in a cadre, it!s very difficult to identify the real situation. Beijing politics watcher Hua Po believes many more officials in Shanxi will be airborne. Hua Po: There will be many airborne, for instance, Committee Secretary and Minister of the Organization. The bureaucrats always shield each other. Xi Jinping will surely deliver some fresh blood to Shanxi officialdom, and continue to weigh down on the local school of Shanxi officials. Since the 18th National Congress, 6 Shanxi provincial officials have been sacked. Why is Shanxi the first province to be hit? CCP mouthpiece Xinhua published an article on the 24th explaining: First, the numerous coal bosses in Shanxi have made Shanxi prone to corruption; Second, Shanxi discipline inspection system itself harbors many corrupt officials, and its impact is immeasurable. Third, Shanxi has always been in close contact with the Central. Its bureaucratic background has been a concern for the fact that despite frequent accidents, Shanxi officialdom has remained untouched. Hua Po believes Xi Jinping is conducting major cleaning of Shanxi regional warlords in the name of anti-corruption. Hua Po: Xi Jinping has said it recently that the anti-corruption will hit everyone. Shanxi is cleaned as revenge. Also, Shanxi governor Li Xiaopeng came from a foreign province. He intends to clean and suppress local power. Li Xiaopeng is probably working particularly hard for Xi Jinping in the anti-corruption. He could be the one who detonated a large earthquake in Shanxi officialdom. The tiger hitting action against Shanxi reveals the relationship between the sacked officials and the Jiang faction. When former Standing Committee of Shanxi, Jin Daoming, was investigated in February, he was reported to be involved in Ding Xuefeng buying his official title from Zhou Bin, the son of Zhou Yongkang. Zhou Yongkang』s wife, Jia Xiaoye, and former Vice Minister of Public Security, Li Dongsheng, were also involved in Ding Xuefeng』s case of buying his official position. On April 12, CCDI investigated Shen Weichen for his corrupt deeds during his post in Shanxi. Shen Weichen was suspected of involvement in cases of Zhou Yongkang and Li Dongsheng. He also was closely related to Zeng Qinghong』s brother. May 29, former vice mayor of Shanxi Luliang City, Zhang Zhongsheng, was investigated. He was also in charge of mergers and acquisitions of coal mining enterprises. He was very close to Song Lin, former chairman of China Resources Group. Song Lin was a confidant of Zeng Qinghong, and alleged to be involved in Song Lin』s case. Li Shanjian: Song Lin had a very close personal interest in the coal mines throughout Shanxi. Song Lin is an intimate follower of Zeng Qinghong. After the arrest of Song Lin, going into Shanxi officialdom is to further collect evidence of corruption or other wrongdoing of Zeng Qinghong. Li Shanjian notes that CCP action against tigers in Shanxi suggests the targets have been pointing directly at Jiang Zemin!s advisor, Zeng Qinghong, and Jiang Zemin himself. Interview/Zhu Zisan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Zhou Tian 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
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