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2012/08/29 11:48:15瀏覽800|回應2|推薦35 | |
學而優則商 商而優則仕 陳介飛投身國會眾議員選舉 華府台聯會為台裔之子接風聚會
年輕有為的陳介飛學而優則商、商而優則仕,一直積極熱心服務社區與國家,目前正投身國會眾議員選舉。 陳介飛是所謂的ABC(American Born Chinese),父母來自台灣,他的父母諄諄教誨回饋社區社會的重要性,他念茲在茲、身體力行,一路走來,人緣、人脈逐步累積。正直、陽光、積極、熱誠的陳介飛是民主黨員、哈佛大學畢業生,這回投入本屆國會眾議員選舉南加州選區(第39區),選區內30%是亞裔、30%的拉丁裔,他極有可能在11/6的選舉中獲勝,而將來到華府國會履任眾議員要職。 陳介飛8/28-8/31有趟華府行,31日(星期五)晚上在華府有正式的籌款酒會。華府台聯會趁此良機盡地主之誼,於29日(星期三)晚上6:30–9:30在金慶松會長寒舍舉行接風聚會:認識他、鼓勵他、支持他,並為他介紹本會理事顧問們、及華府其他主要亞裔社團。 身為哈岡公立學校系統所培育出來的高材生、領導者,陳介飛不僅追求個人的美國夢,更是努力地為整體社區追求更深更廣的美國大夢。在哈岡威爾遜高中(Glen A. Wilson High School)及哈佛大學(Harvard University) 社會學系(副修拉丁美洲研究)以優異的成績畢業後,陳被一家知名的環球顧問公司所聘用,期間,他曾幫助財星雜誌500強 (Fortune 500)企業策劃執行,解決許多複雜的企業難題。 隨後,陳介飛回到了南加州自行創業,專辦商業地產及房地產投資,並在美國海軍後備部隊擔任情報分析官,他能說流利英語、普通話和西班牙語;累積的工作經驗,使他有能力洞悉問題、分析方案、解決難題、開創新猷、平衡開支,他將把這些寶貴的經驗帶到華府。 身為台灣移民之子,陳介飛深受父母言教與身教的影響,使他工作之餘,努力回饋社區;他曾就任拉朋地谷區就職計劃管理委員會主席,並擔任老巴沙迪那管理區與聖蓋博谷YMCA的管理委員,同時也是亞太裔國會研究會管理委員及亞太學區會員協會主席。正是這股堅定信念與無私付出,陳介飛於2007年以破紀錄的票數首度當選哈仙達-拉朋地(Hacienda-La Puente)教委,並於2011年高票連任,也使他成功地得到同僚們的信賴並當選了教委主席(President of the School Board)。在教委主席任內,陳介飛對社區的職訓培育,提升社區投資環境,以及促進公民投入社區活動有著高度的熱忱。他將「學子入大學」設為優先目標,舉辦免費申請大學講座,令上千名學生與家長受益匪淺,並在學區內的所有高中舉行免費的SAT準備班。陳介飛同時也是職業培訓的強力支持者,在他任內,學區增加了20%以上的職訓課程,包括數位動畫與廚藝在內。 在陳介飛的領導與財務管理下,學區內的成員為維護教室教學的有效運作而團結一致,在加州不景氣的大環境下,哈仙達-拉朋地學區是極少數「教職員零裁員及不放無薪假」的學區,並成功地讓學區達到每年提升學術表現指標 (Academic Performance Index, API)的目標,且超越加州政府所設定的學術目標。在競爭激烈的全球化時代中,陳介飛念茲在茲,為確保學區內的孩子能受到最好的教育而努力不懈。 31日(星期五)晚上6:00至8:00在華府賓州大道上有一場「陳介飛進國會」(JAY CHEN for Congress)的正式募款酒會: 地點:The Source 住址:575 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 欲參加募款酒會者,請email報名:rsvp@chenforcongress.com,或網上預先登記:http://bit.ly/JayinDC Jay Chen is a congressional candidate running in California’s 39th District, which includes the cities of Brea, Buena Park, Chino Hills, Diamond Bar, Fullerton, Hacienda Heights, La Habra, La Habra Heights, Placentia, Rowland Heights, Walnut, and Yorba Linda. In the November 6, 2012 elections, he will face Republican Ed Royce, a 19-year incumbent, who has rejected common sense values for partisan politics. A proud product of Hacienda Heights public schools, Jay Chen has been working hard to achieve the American dream not just for himself, but also for his community. After graduating with honors from Harvard University, he was recruited by a leading consulting firm to advise American companies on how to solve their most complex business problems. Jay moved on to build his own small business, investing and managing real estate in Southern California. He continues to serve his country as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Navy Reserve and speaks fluent Mandarin and Spanish. Jay was elected twice by his neighbors to serve on the Hacienda-La Puente School Board, and was elected president by his colleagues. During his time on the school board, he made college accessibility a priority and developed a free college application forum. Under Jay’s leadership and strong fiscal management, his district was one of the few in the state to have zero layoffs or furloughs of K-12 teaching staff during the recession. Jay is deeply vested in the civic institutions that train workers, enhance the business climate, and improve citizenship. He served as President of the Board for the La Puente Valley Regional Occupation Program, and sits on the boards of the Old Pasadena Management District and the San Gabriel Valley YMCA. He is also a board member of the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies and President of the Asian Pacific Islander School Board Member Association. Jay is married to Karen Chang, who is a program analyst at the California Science Center. Your are invited to attend a fundraising reception for JAY CHEN Candidate for Congress Friday, August 31st from 6 to 8 PM Jay Chen (D) is running for the 39th congressional district in Southern California, which includes San Gabriel Valley and the northern part of Orange County. A graduate of Harvard University and the son of immigrants, he has served as the president of the board of education in the Hacienda-La Puente school district and owns a commercial real estate business. He is also an officer in the United States Naval Reserves and speaks English, Spanish and Mandarin fluently. The 39th District has been completely redrawn and is now 30% Asian and 30% Latino, and ready for the new leadership that Jay seeks to bring. Suggested Contribution Levels - Chair - $2500 Host - $1000 Sponsor - $500 Individual - $250 Young Professional - $75 Please RSVP to: rsvp@chenforcongress.com Pre-register online here: http://bit.ly/JayinDC
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