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2012/08/26 11:51:55瀏覽856|回應4|推薦39 | |
龍應台8月28日在喬治•華盛頓大學公開演講 「艱難時刻下的軟實力-由文化觀點看兩岸關係」 中華民國文化部長龍應台21日抵達紐約,立即馬不停蹄地進行一連串記者會、演說、拜會參觀活動。24日是紐約行程的最後一天,當晚龍應台在與紐約僑界人士的晚宴上闡示「台灣書院」在文化推廣上的積極意義,清楚定位台灣文化在中華文化國際化上扮演的角色、以及台灣在「中國崛起」上的價值所在。 隨後龍應台南下華府,並將於8月28日中午在喬治•華盛頓大學對中美人士公開演講,講題是「艱難時刻下的軟實力-由文化觀點看兩岸關係」(Soft Power in A Hard Time: A Cultural Perspective on Cross-Strait Relations) ####### Event Details Speech by Lung Yingtai - Minister of Culture for R.O.C., (Taiwan): "Soft Power in A Hard Time: A Cultural Perspective on Cross-Strait Relations" Co-sponsored by the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM The George Washington University Jack Morton Auditorium, 805 21st St., NW, Washington, DC 20052 A lunch reception will be held on the 2nd floor following the speech Lung Yingtai, Minister of Culture, R.O.C., (Taiwan) is a celebrated writer, literary critic and public intellectual. Having written 30 books, Lung not only has a large number of devoted readers in her native Taiwan, but her works also have great influence in the Chinese-language world in Hong Kong, China, and North America. After receiving her doctorate in English Literature from Kansas State University, Lung Yingtai taught in several universities, including City University of New York, Taiwan Central University and the University of Heidelberg. During her 13 years' sojourn in Europe, Lung was a regular contributor to newspapers such as the Frankfurter Allgemeinung Zeitung and the Berlin Tageszeitung. Recognizing Taiwan's potential to share the global cultural spotlight, Lung entered public service as Taipei City Government's first minister of culture in 1999. She quickly earned a reputation for implementing practical projects that successfully transformed rundown buildings into artist villages, literature houses and museums. The eye-catching results unlocked the cultural potential of the metropolis and ushered in a new era of living for residents. From 2003 until 2012, Lung lived and taught at the University of Hong Kong and in 2008, she received the honor of being named the first "Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities" by the University of Hong Kong. Lung Yingtai became Taiwan's inaugural Minister of Culture in May, 2012. Please RSVP at go.gwu.edu/Yingtai by Friday, August 24. ####### 大俠也有去RSVP。在RSVP截止日前一天(8/23),收到主辦單位Cigur Center寄來的電郵通知:「‧‧‧報名已滿,不再接受RSVP,當日請早到入席。」早早預先報名已滿,是好事,我8/28當日公司公務頗多,可能就不去聽演講了,畢竟公事優先。 電郵通知全文如后,文中first-come-first serve文法錯了,應是served。大俠英文文法尚可,找出美國人的文法錯誤,也可自得其樂自三秒鐘,呵呵呵! ####### From: Sigur Center ####### 民主 - 誠實 - 文明 - 人權 - ####### 演講會場(朋友去以iPhone照的) |
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