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Slate & Shell Open ...(Slate & Shell盃圍棋賽) on 12/11
2010/12/12 11:15:24瀏覽497|回應0|推薦4

7 players from GFGC (Great Falls Go Club) attended the Slate & Shell Open (Go Tournament) on Saturday (12/11) at the George Mason University (Arlington Campus). There were only 23 players due to the cold weather, and maybe the Holiday season.

Below are results of our players …

K1. Chin, 1D (2K, but signed up higher), 0-4 (2級但報1段,0勝4負)
K2. Chin, 2K, 1-0, (2級,1勝0負)
C. Chin, 3K, 1-3, (3級,1勝 3負)
J. Phoon, 7K, 2-2, 2rd place (7級,2勝 2負,第2名)
J. Lee, 10K, 3-1, 1st place (10級,3勝1負,第1名)
T. Tran, 17K, 2-2, (17級,2勝2負)
T. Khan, 19K, 4-0, 1st place (19級,4勝 0負,第1名)

K1. Chin challenged himself by signing up higher at 1D. K2. Chin woke up at 6 AM and had a track meet the whole morning. He managed to come over to play and win one match in the afternoon. J. Lee advanced from 15K to 10K since last tournament on 10/30 (Great Job!!). And, he won himself his second champion trophy and cash prize of $30 . T. Khan had a wonderful 4-0 perfect score and won himself not only a champion trophy but also a cash prize of $30.

Reminder … the next Go tournament will be on the internet in January, 2011, followed by the Chinese New Year Go Tournament on February 26, 2011.

「Slate & Shell盃圍棋賽」,德元棋社 (Great Falls Go Club)七人與賽。16歲的J Lee很聰明、又認真,棋藝進步神速。他該日已連勝三場,第四場剛好是遇到(已連敗三場的)我,我授他七子,下得極吃力,下到我讀秒三、 四次(記不得到底是讀秒幾次了),他仍有十多分鐘。中盤時,我以經驗豐富些,成功他製造劫争,一個劫争,來來往往數十回合,争的可是激濁揚清、驚天動地,最後,我贏了劫争,佔了東隅,却也大意(未算準)而失了北疆,整個劫争過程,我並沒有佔到多少便宜,整體上我仍落後十多目吧!


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