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Pumpkin Go Tournament on 10/30/2010
2010/11/03 10:29:40瀏覽901|回應0|推薦1

8 players
from the Great Falls Go Club (GFGC) attended
the Pumpkin Go Tournament held last Saturday
(10/30) at the George Mason University (Arlington Campus).  There are 43 players in total, ranging from 28K to 7D. 13 players of the Virginia Tech drove 4 hours to come to the tournament.

We, GFGC,  had an unprecedented wonderful

Kabe Chin, 2K, 3-1, 3rd place (2級,3 1負,第3)

Kevin Chin, 3K, 4-1, 2nd place (3級,4 1負,第2)

Joey Phoon, 7K, 4-1, 1st place (7級,4 1負,第1)

Kenny Huynh, 10K, 4-1, 1st
place (10級,4 1負,第1)

Joseph Lee, 15K, 4-0, 1st place (15級,40負,第1)

Tristin Tran, 17K, 4-0, 1st place (17級,40負,第1)

Tariq Khan, 26K, 4-0, 1st
place (26級,4 0負,第1)

            Judy Pan, 28K, 3-1 (28級,3 1)

There are five teams in the Team Competition. Our kids won the amazing 1st and 2nd
places –

Phoooon Team (Joseph, Kabe, Tristin, Tariq,) 1st
place (15-1, 94%)(1151)

Pink Purple Elephants (Kevin, Judy, Kenny) 2nd
place (11-3, 79%)(2113)

It’s Joseph Lee’s and Judy Pan’s
1st Go tournament. And they
both achieved wonderful results as you can see above! Kevin Chin, Joey Phoon,
and Kenny Huynh all challenged themselves by signing up for playing 5
matches. Great Job!!

… the next Go tournament (Slate & Shell Open) is scheduled on 12/11
(Sat). Please plan accordingly if you plan
to attend the tournament.

這是「德元棋社」(Great Falls Go Club)参賽以來前所未有的好成績、好結,本社小朋友是有sandbagger(低報者),如,第一次前往比賽J&J(JosephJudy),其實力肯定強過所15級、28級Tariq在KGS上15級的實力,AGA上仍是26級;Tristin17級打轉多時。,其他隊也許也有些高報者(自以為),扮豬都可以食老虎,報者遇上低報者,自然兵敗如山倒‧‧‧陰錯陽差,「德元棋社」史無前例的好成績

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