The time, it is to be hoped, is gone by, when any defence would be necessary of the "liberty of the press" as one of the securities against corrupt or tyrannical government. No argument, we may suppose, can now be needed, against permitting a legislature or an executive, not identified in interest with the people, to prescribe opinions to them, and determine what doctrines or what arguments they shall be allowed to hear.
1.it is to be hoped是指「大家希望」還是「如大家所希望的」?(我自己覺得應該是「大家希望」) The time when any defence...is gone by在這句中是一種期望還是一個事實陳述?(我自己覺得是一種期望)
2.The time, it is to be hoped, is gone by, when any defence would be necessary of the "liberty of the press" as one of the securities against corrupt or tyrannical government可否理解成:大家都希望那個必須主張新聞自由作為防止腐敗或專制政府的一種措施的時代已經過去。
3.No argument, we may suppose, can now be needed, against permitting a legislature or an executive, not identified in interest with the people, to prescribe opinions to them, and determine what doctrines or what arguments they shall be allowed to hear.句中的argument的意思是否都「理由」?
4.上一句可否理解成:『我們可以這樣想:反對未站在人民利益的立法機關或行政機關去加諸想法 在人民身上,及反對由他們決定人民可以該聽到什麼信條或理由,在現在是不需要(任何)理由的。』