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袁福廷2017下半年推薦股名單(1): BAH
2017/06/17 09:41:52瀏覽227|回應0|推薦2

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation(BAH, 31.90). 可在$31.28或低購買BAH,我的目標價為$39-40,它今天莫名其妙,被某投行降級從「Buy」變為「Hold」,我檢查一下它所有的財務報表及公司盈利預測皆佳,它並配有1.8%之股息,那根本就是投行配合市場做手准備進場前投下的煙霧彈!請大家闭住呼吸跟我一起進場吧!


Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation is a holding company. The Company is a provider of management and technology, consulting and engineering services to the United States and international governments, corporations and not-for-profit organizations. The Companys client base includes government, commercial and international clients. Its commercial clients in the United States are primarily in the financial services, healthcare and life sciences, energy, high-technology manufacturing, retail, and automotive industries. Its international clients are primarily in the Middle East, along with a presence in Southeast Asia. The Companys functional service offerings include Systems Delivery, Engineering and Science, Cyber, Analytics and Consulting. The Companys innovation service offerings are Digital, Cyber Futures, Next Generation Analytics and Directed Energy.


1. 投資有風險,務必慎重評估,後果自負。

2. 我目前持有此股。

( 時事評論政治 )
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