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2005/09/29 05:21:46瀏覽3220|回應15|推薦68 | |
To My Mother You're the one that brings me constant warmth and comfort. When I have thoughts that trouble me, it is you who I turn to for advice and to console me. With your voice, your smile and embrace . you drive away all the dark clouds that lingers in my mind and heart. I can express all my feelings and thoughts and you'd understand me completely. I see you not as just my mother but my closest friend. When I'm down, feeling weak and insecure , you lend me your strength........... which you possess so much of. When I feel ugly, unwanted, and not good enough, you're always there to love me and tell me just how beautiful I am. I've been away from home for so long now but distance has not made a difference, it has only made this bond between you and I stronger. Even though you're not always nearby I know I can just pick up the phone and hear your voice. There are days and nights where I feel alone, I'll be missing you and dad but then I'll hear you in my mind saying these words to me, "Think not of things that bring you sadness, think of all the good in your life. You are strong because you are my daughter." You've taught me to never let anyone or anything put me down, that nothing is impossible, to pursue all my dreams; you've taught me compassion for those less fortunate than me, to treat others with respect, to tolerate those who are ignorant; you've taught me to know when to let things go, things/people that are not worth holding on to. To keep my head held high and to walk with pride. Without your constant words of encouragement I could not be the person that I am today. My wisdom, my intellect comes from both you and dad but my strength and optimism, my motivation and inspiration comes solely from you... I don't say this often enough, I thank you for all the love and life lessons you've taught me and I love you with all my heart... XOXO~Fiona 給我的母親 : 是您, 親愛的媽媽 在我的人生裡, 不斷地給予溫暖與扶持, 當我遇到煩惱困難, 您總是在身旁, 用您慈愛的聲音, 您的笑容和擁抱來開導我, 安慰我, 幫我撥開心中徘徊不去的烏雲. 不管任何事情, 都能對您傾訴, 因為只有您最瞭解女兒的心. 您不僅是好母親, 也是我最親密的朋友, 每當遇到頽喪不安, 心靈軟弱無助時, 您給我無限的力量. 當女兒覺得自己醜沒人要, 或自己不夠好時, 您總在身旁, 愛我, 告訴我, 我是多麼美麗. 離開家已有一些日子, 距離並不能將我們拉開, 反而讓我們母女更連心, 雖然您現在不在女兒身邊, 但我知道, 隨時都能打電話聽聽那暖我心房; 媽媽的聲音. 在許多孤獨的日子裡, 想念您和爸爸的時候, 彷彿在耳邊可以聽到您的叮嚀 : "應該忘記的, 莫再留戀! 珍惜那生命裡美好的花朵 ! 女兒啊 ! 你是我的女兒, 應該像媽媽一樣, 也那麼堅強不屈! 任何時候, 別讓任何人或任何事擊倒, 天下無難事, 只怕有心人, 打開翅膀努力去追求你的夢想吧." 您總是教導女兒, 要付出愛心給那些比我們貧乏的人, 愛人, 尊重別人, 也要學會去包容那些無知的人. 您常教我要學會如何去"割捨", 割捨生命中那些不值得留戀的人與事. 抬頭挺胸, 做個有自信的人. 如果沒有您的教誨與鼓勵, 也不可能有今天的我, 女兒的才智是來自你和爸爸, 但堅強和樂觀的個性, 生命裡的動力與靈氣, 則是完全來自媽媽您啊 ! 有句話不常掛在嘴上, 卻常在我心裡: 謝謝媽媽, 給我所有的愛, 謝謝您生了我, 賜給我寶貴的生命, 謝謝媽媽的溫諄教誨, 我永遠, 永遠愛您, 我親愛的媽媽 ! 幾百個擁抱 加 幾萬個親親 您的心肝寶貝 Fiona 敬上 感言: 今天是我們夫妻結婚二十六年紀念日 小女親手精製卡片作為禮物, 也感謝捏捏的中文翻譯. 母女合照是坐在捏捏的鋼琴前, 她爲我們拍攝的. 在漫長婚姻裡, 擁有這個貼心的女兒, 是我最甜蜜的成就. 在人生路途中, 擁有捏捏這位摯友, 也是我最感到欣慰的. 恰恰 2005. 09 .28 |