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Cultivating the inner life
2006/06/02 00:43:58瀏覽552|回應0|推薦2

We’ve celebrated birthdays and graduations;

mourned the loss of those we love.

Laughter and tears, success and failure,

pleasure and pain,

they are all part of life day by day and year by year.


Are we in a position to see what’s most important in life?

Few men and women can fulfill their hopes and plans

without some interruption and disappointment along the way.

We value life, protect life and enrich life. 

We need to know the way to abundant life in this world

and eternal life in the world to come.

We often wish we could see what lies around the corner in life.

Then we could prepare for it, control it, or avoid it.

We can't crack tommorrow open to see if it's the way we would like it.

But meddling with tomorrow before its time,

like opening a partly cooked egg,

would spoil both today and tomorrow.

What you will be tomorrow

depends on the choices you make today.

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