只是高度的狂喜之後 |
2009/02/23 06:35 |
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-02-23 09:02 回覆: |
"The void ...the emptiness..." murmurs colonel Kurtz --- Apocalypse Now
哎吖,吾的水準毋夠。。。 |
2009/02/22 19:43 |
旅人世界 & B's 心眼 -
遊賞世間美的人、事、物...究境一探,是否真的"物以類聚"? |
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-02-23 01:01 回覆: |
尼貢蝦米 ? 哇看無 101ㄝ ? 看個人的想法 (最後一句我用台語講不出來 沒練過 拍謝)
上成新詩 |
2009/02/22 10:47 |
上成新詩! rich in colors and symbolism; astonishly sensual!
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-02-22 11:19 回覆: |
Dear Powerful, Your praise, as powerful as your nickname, boosts up my morale like a TNT dynamite. Thank you !
I will let you... |
2009/02/22 10:14 |
When you're here in March, I will let you borrow my T. S. Eliot (I have a really good one). If you are writing this then you can not afford not reading The Waste Land.
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-02-22 10:25 回覆: |
Is the one about the Fisher King ? I heard about that from time to time... I can borrow several from you since it's easier to return to you with now geographical advantage between SC and NC