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2006/12/02 09:37:35瀏覽320|回應2|推薦28

            Not that easy~
            Walk out of the cage and just back to my life before
            Even though that I wish~
            There's nothing between you and me

            Through the spirit
            All the feeling control blind passion
            Fulfilment must be sought
            Filled in my body
            Steal the soul from deep-kisses

            Both don't know what love it is anymore~
            How to stop to thinking
            Hanging on to be so closed

            Till the day
            Better lost in time than never got
            Things have changed~

            歌曲 .. 我的驕傲 Proud Of You
            演唱.. 薛凱琪 Fiona Fung -
            來自 .. 音樂城市
( 創作浪漫言情 )
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Catlike Cathy(文字遇)
2006/12/05 07:58


I love your word,cool!


Sharing life,sharing smile!

Catlike Cathy(文字遇)

仙 道
Your love is...
2006/12/05 02:01

Your love is... an ocean,
Where sand meets the sea,
Waves of love rolling over me,

Your love comes to me,
As the tide comes to the shore,
Wanting and needing to embrace me more,

Your love is... the moon,
Shinning across the shimmering sea,
Deep, wide, strong, and calm.
Always there to carry me..

Your love is... my shelter,
My compass, my true north,
Where ever I go, your love is guiding me forth,

Your love is.... the fresh ocean breeze,
Gently sweeping across my face,
Touching me from place to place,

Your love is...
The salty air I smell,
Clearing my thoughts and thinking,

Your love is...
The life preserver that keeps me from sinking,

When I go there to the sea,
I am not alone, for your love is with me,

I feel you all around,
The beauty, the wind, the mystery,

Your love engulfs me,
Takes my breath away,
Holds me in wind's arms,

When I close my eyes,
Dancing memories of your charms,
Never escape my deepest memory,

So if ever our souls part to say goodbye,
Meet me there, where the sea meets the sky,

Your love will forever be with me,
Where the sands touch the sea,

Our love lives on,
Our love flows back out into all eternity

仙 道