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A nice Walking with my heart~
2006/10/08 21:05:29瀏覽421|回應0|推薦27

    該是一場電影 It should be a movie night


    究竟還是改變了主意 But get away from the street light


    選擇了離開塵囂 Forget the hubbub of the city


    在靜謐的星空下 The silent stars; much more pretty

    徒步旅行 Take the night one step at a time

    夜色包圍了Live Band 的喧鬧Colorful music plays; sounds sublime



    敞開的心房讓新鮮空氣進駐 Fresh air fills open hearts


    是秋意 沁涼的晚風 Autumn evenings arrive as summer departs

    動人的歌聲 Beautiful voices intoxicate you


    使人迷醉.... There’s no escape, no way through

    隨興的話題 Talking together is a pleasure



    雀躍的步伐 With you, this walk, this night

    是夜 蘭潭的美令人迷途忘返 Lan Tan is a delight


    ~寫於10/7/2006 By Happy Cat & Blue Killer


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