Keep the text messages that you've sent
Just like to keep the blandness that you had
The letter paper send forth fragrance
Even they're only cold typing presswork
Somehow you've left me alone
No matter how hard you've loved before
Wrote to you more than a thousand times
Let the words acoompany when you miss
Hurted myself while was using the oven
A little burn on interior the left fore finger
Putting ice cube on then tasting the ache
This passed love have undoubtedly left a mark
Catlike Cathy
11th March 2008
| 這詩寫到一半,出門載大少爺回家後,弄點心給孩子吃時,左手食指腹不小心誤觸熱燙的烤箱,起了一個水泡,卻令人痛撤心屝...
無端受一點小傷 難得也有藉機撒嬌的額外好處 老爺幫忙洗碗 驅車載我們外出用晚餐
飯後小少爺有琴課 我們夫妻倆帶大少爺上咖啡館 咖啡的香味混合書報香 手指頭的痛苦好像也就不那麼難受了... (整個晚上我的左手食指和冰水一直在塑膠杯裡親吻著~)
Playground school bell rings again rain clouds come to play again has no one told you she's not breathing? hello i'm your mind giving you someone to talk to hello
If i smile and don't believe soon i know i'll wake from this dream don't try to fix me i'm not broken hello i'm the lie living for you so you can hide don't cry
Suddenly i know i'm not sleeping hello i'm still here all that's left of yesterday