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2011/04/13 01:00:08瀏覽185|回應0|推薦0
by cAmilla Wu

The cozy sunlight made Pitt Street somnolent; however, the darling harbor was packed with the crowd and the fish market was hustling and bustling. Fried food was overshadowed by fresh Pacific oysters and King prawns.

A few drops of lemon juice were squeezed to pamper the oysters. The prawns were peeled till revealing luscious red and white. I had fallen in love with you the moment I saw your fingers skillfully conducting an orchestra making the gourmet chefs bow. The salad dressing was singing the ninth symphony with avocados and yogurt. A harmonious melody was produced in your gaze. Love at the first sight was the most breathtaking scene in such a windless afternoon.

It did not need logic to analyze the craze. Nor did the fervency need logic. It all happened the moment I saw you. The oysters and the prawns.

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