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History Repeats Itself
2011/04/12 00:42:18瀏覽209|回應0|推薦0

History Repeats Itself

by cAmilla Wu

Have you forgotten your own heartbeat?

Have you forgotten your sincere promise?

Don’t you remember those leaping moments?

Don’t you remember those fascinating days?

I will stop this from happening.

Yes, and I know what you are thinking.

Please do not terrify.

I can read your mind.

Please do not panic.

I can read your mind.

There is no need to be sorrowful.

It only takes a second to figure it out.

History repeats itself.


Right, and please make a stop.

I have been hearing the same lame excuses over and over again.


I know.

I am an insider.

I know.

Just stop.

It only takes a second to figure it out.

History repeats itself.


Right, and please make a stop.

For someone like me who dwells in the world of literature has it all figured.

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