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Phone calls
2008/09/14 16:53:14瀏覽208|回應0|推薦0

Phone calls


by cAmilla

One missed call a day from you means I didn’t hear the phone ring.

Two missed calls a day from you mean I didn’t have the phone with me.

Three missed calls a day from you mean it might not be a good day to talk.

Four missed calls a day from you mean there might be an emergency.

Five missed calls a day from you mean you are out of my market.

“Hello, who is this?”

“Hi, may I talk to you?”

“Hmm. Sorry. I’m busy now. I’ll give you a call whenever I’m free.”


“Ok. Bye.”

Ten missed calls a day from you have turned this friendship into harassment.


“Hi, I was thinking if you are free today.”

“I’m sorry. I’m in the middle of something and I’m with my friends now.

I can’t really talk to you now.”

“Maybe I can go meet you and your friends.”

“Ok. Here is the thing. I’m not really interested in hanging out with you.

Just stop calling me, will you?”

Show some respect to your male or female friends.

Stop making 20 phone calls,literally, a day,

if he or she is not interested in replying to

any missed calls from you!

A friendship doesn't work that way.

Don't make yourself become a paranoid.

Go get a life of your own!

Give this "friendship" a little break.

No more calls, PLEASE!!!


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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