I just signed an urgent petition calling on the Chinese government to re-spect human rights in Tibet and engage in meaningful dialogue with the Dalai Lama. This is really important, and I thought you might want to take action:
After nearly 50 years of Chinese rule, the Tibetans are sending out a global cry for change. But violence is spreading across Tibet and neighb-ouring regions, and the Chinese regime is right now considering a choice between increasing brutality or dialogue, that could determine the futur-e of Tibet and China.
We can affect this historic choice. China does care about its internation-al reputation. Its economy is totally dependent on "Made in China" exp-orts that we all buy, and it is keen to make the Olympics in Beijing this summer a celebration of a new China that is a respected world power.
President Hu needs to hear that 'Brand China' and the Olympics can su-cceed only if he makes the right choice. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get his attention. Click below to join me and sig-n a petition to President Hu calling for restraint in Tibet and dialogue wit-h the Dalai Lama -- and tell absolutely everyone you can right away. T-he petition is organized by Avaaz, and they are urgently aiming to reach 1 million signatures to deliver directly to Chinese officials:
Thank you so much for your help!
加入我們!點選下方的連結,簽署這份請願書讓中共領導人胡錦濤停止施暴於西藏人民,並且與達賴喇嘛進行對談。務必讓你身邊的人得知這件事,這封由 Avaaz發起的連署請願書,需要在得到一百萬人的連署之後,再交由中國的政府官員。