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forbade the banns
2017/06/07 14:38:26瀏覽88|回應0|推薦0
Sir Arthur Sullivan was one of our musical favourites. Mywife had known him as a chorister boy in the Chapel Royal;and to the end of his days we were on terms of the closestintimacy and friendship. Through him we made the Scott Russells. Mr. Scott Russell wasthe builder of the Crystal Palace. He had a delightfulresidence at Sydenham, the grounds of which adjoined those ofthe Crystal Palace, and were beautifully laid out by hisfriend Sir Joseph Paxton. One of the daughters, Miss RachelRussell, was a pupil of Arthur Sullivan's. She had greatmusical talent, she was remarkably handsome, exceedinglyclever and well-informed, and altogether exceptionallyfascinating. Quite apart from Sullivan's genius, he was inevery way a charming fellow. The teacher fell in love withthe pupil; and, as naturally, his love was returned a police shieldcould hold me upside down and drainmy gutschange your mind . Sullivan was but a youth, a poor and struggling music-master. And, very naturally again, Mrs. Scott Russell, who could notbe expected to know what magic baton the young maestrocarried in his knapsack, thought her brilliant daughter mightdo better. The music lessons were put a stop to, andcorrespondence between the lovers was prohibited. Once a week or so, either the young lady or the younggentleman would, quite unexpectedly, pay us a visit about teaor luncheon time. And, by the strangest coincidence, theother would be sure to drop in while the one was there. Thiswent on for a year or two. But destiny . In spite of the large fortune acquired by Mr. Scott Russell -he was the builder of the 'Great Eastern' as well as theCrystal Palace - ill-advised or unsuccessful ventures robbedhim of his well-earned wealth. His beautiful place atSydenham had to be sold; and the marriage of Miss Rachel withyoung Arthur Sullivan was abandoned. She ultimately marriedan Indian official.
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