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Able & Capable
2006/06/28 00:00:54瀏覽342|回應0|推薦2



able  if someone or something is able to do something, they have skills or qualities which make it possible for them to do it. 
 capable - if a person or thing is capable of doing something, they have the ability, capacity, or potential to do it.
The different usage between able and capable is ' able ' has a broader meaning in one's ability but ' capable ' shows one's ability in a more specialized aspect.


She is an able teacher. ( She is a teacher with quality )


She is a capable teacher. ( She has the ability to be a teacher )



Capable also shows a sense of possibility whereas there is no such usage with able.

* The situation is capable of improvement. 

In this situation, we can't replace capable with able to show the possibility for improvement. 



Ability can be acquired through a series of training, but capability has nothing to do with training.
*I do not doubt his ability to do the work.
( 知識學習語言 )
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