This spitting white foaming blue sea Blowing loudly this seasons sea sound of waves Between the sands Between the shores Shells sing the song of the sea Looking for Love
Clouds draw colorful glow in the firmament Waves swirling in the breeze The stars twinkle in the sky Birds are silent at night My love,shut your eyes Come to my arms
讀詩…是一抹情懷…深入其境…感懷深動…心靈更美緻……………………… 文字是一種生命的抒發…創作是一種心靈躍活的表象………………………… 那樂的、喜的、悲的、哀的,都是詩的生命、也是詩的本心………………… 創作的喜悅來自不斷的創新…閱讀的喜悅在於分享…美的心靈詩篇……… Lone Tree of Lake Wanak〈瓦納卡湖的孤獨樹〉……海之歌〈Song of the sea〉《蝶詩心畫》希望是你〈妳〉喜愛的作品…… 願我親愛的朋友們永遠健康、快樂…幸福滿滿……………………………蝶