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how can I Remember ?
2014/07/02 18:07:28瀏覽173|回應0|推薦0

It seems you still there 

but you were totally disappear 

since the day you went away 

the star had fallen and sink in to dark

How can I still remember 

the tear and pain was encounter since we met 

for a stranger to a narrator 

memory just like a joke 

and just come in to the deep water

there is no hope can be connect 

how can we just came into the tower without hope

it is very esay to collapsed 

one day the words you left 

the hope you took

story came into the end 

and one day 

nobody will remember  who is the one you ever loved

just remember the pain 

that we are suffer and encounter before

( 創作詩詞 )
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