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Politeness Man (with captions)
2008/05/03 23:19:47瀏覽404|回應0|推薦1

PolitenessMan is quick to sense the possibility of rudeness-

PolitenessMan:Oh, Oh!(He is reading The Daily Doily. The headline is Vanderfeller Child KIDNAPPED!!)
At a mountain hideout(baby crying)
The Kidnapper: Keep that kid quiet! I'm 'trying' ta paste together dis ransom note!

PolitenessMan: Just a moment.
The Kidnapper:Wha?

PolitenessMan: The formal social note is ALWAYS written by hand...

And it is constructed like this-
Address(on business letter only)
My dear___,
The statement of whatever is purpose of the note.
Most Sincerely,

Later on, at the Vanderfeller Mansion...
The Wife: My, what a GRACIOUS ransom note! It seems our little Alfred is with people of QUALITY!
The Husband: Then perhaps they ought to keep him, eh, Vanessa?
The Wife: YES! And maybe they'll take little Daphne as well!
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