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How about automatic dishwasher
2016/10/18 11:26:19瀏覽90|回應0|推薦0

The emergence of dishwashers to our lives has brought great convenience. Today we look at how the automatic dishwasher, automatic dishwasher offer.

How about automatic dishwasher

Household dishwashers with cleaning, sterilization, disinfection functions, and it uses a computer automatic control, household dishwashers do not have to join the detergent can be cleaned, it mainly depends on the ultrasonic cleaning, detergent self-energy Play a supporting role. Its 360-degree all-round cleaning, very suitable for cleaning Chinese food utensils, Chinese tableware greasy heavy, ordinary dishwasher is difficult to clean, and ultrasonic dishwasher is the use of liquid molecular vibration cleaning, there will be no cleaning Not the dead. At the same time, home dishwasher cleaning speed, less water consumption, simple operation, very easy to use and effort.usb endoscope inspection camera

When using the dishwasher, a ground wire must be connected to ensure safety. Dishwashers are not a complete substitute for manual labor. So wash the cutlery must not be entrained in other debris, such as fish bones, leftovers, rice, etc. Otherwise, easy to plug the filter or obstruction nozzle rotation, affecting the washing effect.lid and spoon rest

Dinnerware to the machine, the tableware should not be exposed outside the metal basket. Relatively small cups, spoons and other equipment to avoid falling and to prevent collision, so as not to break. If necessary, you can use a more compact small basket containing these gadgets, this will be more secure. Always keep inside and outside the dishwasher clean. After each use, it is best to use a brush to brush the dirt and dirt on the filter to prevent clogging. Use a few deodorants in the sink every month to remove the stench 1-2 times.sleep headphones amazon

More about the automatic dishwasher, automatic dishwasher offer the contents of the introduction to here, and what is not clear? Oh, we want to help.
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