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From rubbish to riches...從拾荒女變成選美皇后...
2009/01/07 09:01:40瀏覽755|回應0|推薦4

Daniela Cott: From rubbish to riches

Daniela Cott

Daniela says she hadn't imagined becoming a model

Daniela Cott has gone from scavenging through rubbish on the streets of Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires, to being hailed as one of the countries most promising fashion model.

Listen Hear Daniela on Outlook

Daniela told the BBC's Daniel Schweimler that she was brought up in a simple and modest neighbourhood with her family; she has nine brothers and sisters (3 girls and 6 boys).

When she was growing up, Daniela was not surrounded by the luxuries of a top model:

"There used to be just enough money to make ends meet at the end of the month"

Daniela Cott

Daniela's work has changed dramatically since she started modelling

Working as a cartonera involves going through bags of rubbish and separating out the material into different bags. Daniela says it wasn't a nice way to make a living and she didn't like doing it but had to do it to help her family.

Daniela never imagined being a model but she was encouraged by a women who saw her working. Together they took photographs, practiced walking and then Daniela entered the Elite model competition.

Winning the competition was "the greatest moment of my life, I'll always remember it!"

Danielle loves the life of a model: giving interviews, posing for pictures and being on the catwalk.

In the future Danielle hopes to be an international model.

cite from:http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/outlook/2008/04/080402_model_outlook.shtml

( 在地生活其他 )
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