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2013/05/30 04:23:18瀏覽4628|回應96|推薦251 | |
最近有一些反常的事; 即使從可靠的來源, 結果是不可信:
便當新聞- 報紙刊登的故事居然是假的.
有名氣好吃的食物居然用有毒成份的原料: 順丁稀二酸酐(maleic anhydride).
Through conversion to fumeric and malic acids, maleic anhydride is a vital component of gelling agents, flavor enhancers and food preservatives. It is also essential to the production of elastane (Spandex) fibers, artificial sweeteners, paper-sizing, water treatments, hardeners for epoxy curing, hairsprays, pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals and motor oil additives. 好小子! 這玩意幾乎是無所不在: 乳化, 加味, 防腐, 做彈性布料, 人工甘味, 乾燥劑, 髮膠, 藥品, 機油.... 吃多了, 不知人的身體五臟會變成什麼??
下面影片告訴你, 你的眼睛也會騙你.
請看這張圖中間的4黑點. 十五秒後抬頭看白牆壁. 你看到什麼了?
紫錐花(Echinacea)有些人認為它可增加人的抵抗力, 減輕感冒者的癥狀.但有些人認為證據不足. 現在它成為校園掃毒的標誌. 有一點牽強?
尼特(NEET) - Not in Education, Employment or Training. 就是年輕遊手好閒的靠老族.如今在台灣, 這種人好像特多.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 想一想:
樹上懸繩離地12吋, 離樹桿48吋. 若將繩牽引碰到樹, 繩終端則離地20吋. 繩有多長?
A rope swing hangs vertically down so that the end is 12 inches from the ground, and 48 inches from the tree. If the swing is pulled across so that it touches the tree, it is 20 inches from the ground. How long is the rope?
( 休閒生活|雜記 ) |