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what is love?
2009/02/08 02:16:27瀏覽520|回應4|推薦22
hi, niuniu,
Today only you and me are at home, your sister has a big exam and interview for the scholarship about her flying dream. 

I remember long time ago, when you were all much younger, we walked down the library.  On the way home, we saw a boy whose age was almost the same as yours, I think.  He cried, yelled, and stamped on the road, and his mother could not do anything to stop him.  Suddenly, I hug both of you, and said, "thank you, thank you not let me have such a kid."  Your sister said, "oh, mom, we thank you, we do not have such mother, so we won't be like that boy; if the boy has the mother like you, he would be that way."  I was so touched.  Yes, it is because of parents, not really kids' problem.

I would like to discuss with you about "love".  I believe that almost every parent love their kids a lot.  But the "ways" they love is different.

Since I open the daycare, we has met lots of different parents for these five years.  You experienced it, too.  We like some ways that parents took, but on the other hand, we could not believe what the parents' thinking. 

I told you that my mother never taught me anything about housework, but my grandma and my father.  You said, my mother did not love me.   I told you, no, she loves me, but in a different way.

You told me sometimes you do not understand why I was so angry at you even you did nothing wrong.

You know what?   That is because I can't let you do anything wrong.

Our family is very different from others.  Your classmates have great families, living in a big house, beautiful yard, both parents work, they have pets, they travel every year, and almost everybody went to the Disney Land,and everyone gets allowance....

But your life is different.  I do not have your experience, but I know your feeling totally.  I told you, nothing should be proud of your classmates, they had been there only because their parents brought them to Disney Land, if you brought your mom to be there someday you grow up, it is the thing to be proud of.  You spend your own money, not from your parents. 

I could not give you any great material, it is true, but it does not mean my love for you less than your classmates' parents give to them.  Basically, I think it is the best thing to help you independently.  Only you can survive, then you won't bother anyone.  So I rather spend money to let you learn piano than brought you to the Disney Land.  I won't criticize your classmates' parents, because that is their way to love their kids.

I woke up so early to prepare your sister's stuffs.  I'm kind of tired now.  Talk to you soon.



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You are a great mom
2009/02/12 11:27
Dear Angel,

It's not easy to live in the states and help your kids possess Asian values.

I am sure that they know deep inside their heart that how much they are loved by you.

Your effort won't go waste.



2009/02/10 09:55
版媽非常擅長對孩子說愛, 這點我得好好跟您學~

= =
2009/02/08 15:02

2009/02/08 11:38

在這樣的物質環境裡, 卻要教導兩個女兒不要被物質迷惑, 很難ㄟ!



加油 Angel! (希望她們可以體貼母親的用心及難處)